B-pillar Reinforcement CAD

RADIOSS Scalability Study

RADIOSS Speedup Curve |
> > L'Actu de Altair
L’intégralité du programme des 3 jours est désormais disponible !
Du 29 septembre au 1er octobre 2015, aura lieu, à la Cité de la musique, la 8ème édition de la conférence européenne Altair. Après plusieurs mois de travail et de concertation, nous sommes heureux de vous annoncer que l’agenda de ces 3 jours de conférence est finalisé. Au programme de ces 3 journées, entièrement tournées vers la simulation et l’innovation, 35 sessions techniques, 35 symposiums, 23 keynotes et plus de 600 spécialistes et managers attendus!
L’Academic User Day
Le 29 septembre, première journée de la conférence, débutera par l’Academic User Day 2015 . Au cours de cette journée consacrée à la Recherche Appliquée dans le domaine de la simulation, plus de vingt études de cas académiques et illustrées seront présentées par des étudiants et des professeurs originaires de toute l’Europe.
Des séminaires techniques pour présenter les dernières avancées technologiques
Le 29 septembre, auront également lieu plusieurs séminaires techniques dont les thématiques ont trait à l’analyse de structure, la vibroacoustique, l’optimisation multidisciplinaire, la simulation système, la CFD, la modélisation et la visualisation ainsi qu’un symposium sur la simulation systèmes.
Des grands noms de l’industrie pour présenter les keynotes
Le mercredi 30 septembre et le jeudi 1er octobre, vous aurez la possibilité d’assister à la présentation en keynotes de grands industriels : Airbus, Alstom, Ford, Hyundai Kia Motor, Jaguar Land Rover, PSA Peugeot Citroën, Renault Nissan, RUAG, STELIA Aerospace et Volkswagen.
Intervention de James Scapa, co-fondateur et CEO d’Altair
James Scapa interviendra également pour vous présenter sa vision et sa feuille de route quant aux développements des solutions Altair.
35 symposiums pour échanger avec l’assistance sur les problématiques liées à :
L’automobile, la réduction des temps de développement, la fabrication additive, le ferroviaire, l’électromagnétique haute fréquence.
A noter également la présence importante d’entreprises partenaires:
HP et Intel, HBM nCode, Amazon Web Serices, AlphaStar , Airbus Defence&Space, AVL, CAEfatigue, CEDREM, Componeering, Cray, FEMFAT, FluiDyna, FLUIDON, GeonX, Granta Design, Loge, Matelys, Materialise, MapleSoft, NAFEMS, NovaCast, Part Engineering, PowersSys, PDTec, Sandbox, Sidact, Software Cradle et Thermo Analytics.
Enfin, pendant toute la durée de cette conférence, vous aurez le loisir de découvrir quelques-unes des réalisations auxquelles Altair a participé, notamment, la voiture de course Beta Epsilon ou encore le bras d’antenne spatial RUAG réalisé en impression 3D !
Cette conférence est entièrement gratuite mais l’inscription est obligatoire via le formulaire disponible sur notre site internet. Accédez au formulaire d’inscription.
Contacts : Véronique Séverin – 0033 1 41 33 03 61- marketing-france@altair.com

9 decembre 2014 -
Découvrez comment les solutions MATLAB permettent de répondre aux problématiques liées à la manipulation de données massives lors d’un séminaire gratuit d’une journée le 15 janvier à Paris.
Au cours de ce séminaire, nous vous présenterons en matinée le workflow suivant pour analyser vos données :
- Comprendre vos données : datastore pour gérer des big data, accès aux bases de données…
- Traiter vos données : machine learning, analyses prédictives…
- Mise à l’échelle : solutions pour machines multicoeurs et GPU, déploiement d’applications.
L’après-midi, vous pourrez participer à un Workshop Calcul Parallèle et/ou à une Master Class Déploiement d’Applications :
- Workshop Calcul Parallèle : Cet atelier pratique vous donnera l’occasion de manipuler les outils MathWorks pour le calcul parallèle. Attention, les places sont limitées.
- Master Class Déploiement d’Applications : Cette présentation vous permettra de découvrir comment créer des applications indépendantes, développer des composants vers d’autres architectures (Java, Excel…) et mettre en production des applications sur serveur.
Agenda détaillé et inscription 
19 novembre 2014 -

PSA Peugeot Citroën collaborated with Altair, Ecole Polytechnique Laboratoire de Mécanique des Solides (LMS) and PRACE to perform a study of automotive crash rupture simulations, investigating ways to improve material failure criteria and better predict cracks. Using Curie, one of the ten most powerful supercomputer in the world, designed by the company BULL and operated by them at Très Grand Centre de Calcul du CEA (TGCC), project engineers ran huge (15M element) solid models of some component using a very fine mesh in order to simulate material failures. The massive parallelism enabled by Altair RADIOSS on the Curie system achieved unprecedented results, with levels of performance that would not have been possible on a standard computer or cluster.

The second largest carmaker in Europe, PSA Peugeot Citroën (PSA) recorded sales and revenue of €54 billion in 2013. With its world-renowned brands, DS, Peugeot and Citroën, PSA sold 2.8 million vehicles worldwide in 2013, of which 42% outside Europe. PSA is a European leader in terms of CO2 emissions, with an average of 115,9 grams of CO2/km in 2013. PSA has sales operations in 160 countries and is also involved in financing activities (Banque PSA Finance) and automotive equipment (Faurecia).

As automotive regulations impose lower and lower CO2 emission levels, manufacturers face serious challenges in decreasing design structure mass by using higher strength-to-weight ratio materials. However, introducing new materials into a design process is not a simple undertaking; design rules and numerical tools must evolve to comprehend the characteristics -- and evaluate the potential failures – of such materials. Otherwise, there is risk in delaying production awaiting reliable design direction from simulation, or (worst case) having to redesign a part late in the design cycle. In addition, due to the large, nonlinear deformations involved in simulating crash or rupture events, proper material failure criteria is essential to results accuracy. Evaluating new materials, which by definition lack the testing and refinement over time of conventional materials, also typically results in applying higher safety factors for the design which can lead to oversizing of structural parts.
To improve its knowledge in assessing predictive rupture models, and to identify a viable solution for testing ruptures on a massive scale, PSA engaged with Altair through PRACE to evaluate the robustness of advanced failure criterion for steel sheets using RADIOSS, the market-leading analysis solver for crash simulation in Altair’s HyperWorks CAE software suite.

First, Altair engineers ported RADIOSS to Bullxmpi for the Curie supercomputer allocated to the study. This porting included the optimization of the setup of RADIOSS under Bullxmpi to obtain ideal performance. The efficiency of the solution based on Bullxmpi was evaluated and improved using industrial car crash models ranging from 1 to 10 million of elements.
Then, two specific models were developed to study rupture of a B-pillar component with mesh size requirement of 75μm element length.
A first model by Altair with 15 million of elements was used to assess scalability of the code up to 8192 cores. Project engineers were very satisfied by the performance results. Hybrid MPI OpenMP parallelization helps to maintain high efficiency of the code. With larger models, the code should scale beyond 8192 cores.
A second model was built by PSA, with mesh optimization reducing element number to 10 million and increasing critical time step to help reducing total number of cycles. This final model for 100ms simulation is expected to run in less than 60 hours using 2048 cores of Curie according to partial runs made up to 10ms during this preparatory study.
Altair had to optimize the code to handle the large simulation models, especially contact treatments inside the very fine mesh part; the project also required optimizing several I/O treatments, and engineers intensively used Intel tools like Vtune Amplifier to localize algorithms that needed to be improved. These optimizations helped Starter performance and were also useful for Engine performance related to contact sorting.
In addition, Altair engineers implemented a specific material law and a rupture model in RADIOSS, which was developed through an “Industrial Fracture Consortium” including MIT, Ecole Polytechnique and industrial partners like PSA. The implementation of both law and model was validated with respect to tests on specimen and results of the original implementation by Ecole Polytechnique (LMS). Domain decomposition algorithm was tuned to optimize this material law regarding parallel efficiency.

PSA was pleased with the outcome of the study -- without access to this type of large scale supercomputer system it would have been impossible to consider running such a large simulation problem in a reasonable amount of time.
Key outcomes:
Validated readiness of the RADIOSS code to handle very large models of several millions of solid elements
Proved scalability of the code up to 8,192 cores and beyond -- tested up to 16,384 cores for the very first time
Implemented and validated a new material law and rupture model representing the state of the art for fracture modeling, in collaboration with PSA and Ecole Polytechnique (LMS).
The achievements obtained during this project help companies like PSA to be ready to handle increasingly complex simulations and to evaluate future needs more precisely in term of computational resources for evolving rupture simulation projects. The organizations involved plan to continue this work via a regular PRACE project to study the behavior of the rupture of this B-pillar component as well as some other components through a full vehicle crash simulation.
We acknowledge PRACE for having awarded us access to resource machine Curie based in France at TGCC/CEA. |
1 septembre 2014 -
Mardi 23 septembre 2014 – Lyon - Gratuit
Détails & inscription
Modélisation et Visualisation avec HyperWorks Desktop.
Analyse de Structure et Optimisation avec OptiStruct et solidThinking Inspire.
Crash & Impacts avec RADIOSS & HyperCrash.
Mardi 14 octobre – Paris – Gratuit
Détails & inscription
Avec les solveurs implicite et explicite d’HyperWorks 13 : statique linéaire/non linéaire, analyse vibratoire/NVH, thermique, dynamique rapide/crash/impact, analyse dynamique multi-corps/MDB.
Mercredi 15 octobre – Paris – Paris
Détails & inscription
Avec OptiStruct et solidThinking Inspire : optimisation
1 septembre 2014 -
- Le 15 sept : Programmation TCL dans l’environnement HyperMesh
- Du 18 au 19 sept : Personnalisation et automatisation des post-traitements avec HyperWorks Desktop
- Du 23 au 25 sept : Pré et post-traitement avec HyperMesh et HyperView/HyperGraph
- Du 6 au 7 oct : Automatisation de maillages tétraédriques avec SIMLAB
- Du 8 au 9 oct : Introduction à la mise en données et au post-traitement CFD avec HyperWorks Desktop
- Du 25 au 27 aout : Simulation des calculs explicites avec RADIOSS
- Du 13 au 14 oct : Analyse CFD avec AcuSolve
- Du 15 au 17 oct : Simulation des calculs explicites avec RADIOSS
- Du 20 au 21 oct : Introduction à la modélisation des composites avec RADIOSS
- Du 8 au 10 sept : conception des structures avec OptiStruct
- Du 11 et 12 sept : Du plan d’expérience à l’analyse de robustesse avec HyperStudy
- Le 22 sept : Conception et optimisation avec solidThinking Inspire
- Du 2 au 3 oct : Modélisation des composites avec OptiStruct

12/04/2011 -
The event will take place from Nov. 7th – 9th, 2011 in Bonn, Germany and will focus on new strategies and examples of enterprise simulation methods in the development of innovative products. The European HTC conference series - now in its fifth year – has been growing from a HyperWorks user’s conference into one of the major PLM technology events in Europe, with around 500 attendees from all over the world.
The three day conference will be packed with valuable technical information. The event will again be divided in two parts. On Monday, November 7th, Altair will host three workshops on different simulation related topics and will next year also host the 2011 EDU (university and educational use of HyperWorks) user’s meeting. Tuesday and Wednesday will be dedicated to the traditional conference proceedings, including a broad range of technical and keynote presentations from across industry; as well as the meet the expert sessions, highlighting the capabilities of the latest HyperWorks version and giving attendees the opportunity to talk to Altair’s development experts.
Next year’s conference location, Bonn, is located in Rhineland Palatinate and right in the famous Rhine valley. The City of Bonn offers excellent leisure activities with a comprehensive list of enjoyable things to do and a famous historical background. In your free-time some suggestions are to wander through the beautiful city center of Bonn, to visit Beethoven’s birth place, to check out the “Museum Mile”, or to find peace and relaxation in a walk through the magnificent Rhine meadows adjacent to the World Conference Center Bonn.
With Bonn Altair has once again chosen a location in the heart of Europe, easily accessible from anywhere across the continent and around the world. Bonn is a great city and offers perfect surroundings this major event. With the World Conference Center located at the heart of Bonn’s former government district, all participants can attend a conference hosted in the same location where German parliamentarians once debated.
To submit a presentation proposal please Click here or send an email to ehtc@altair.com.
Read more, www.altairhtc.com/europe
12/04/2011 -
23/08/2010 -
Altair is pleased to officially announce the date and location for the 4th European HyperWorks Technology Conference (HTC).The premier event for Driving Innovation with Enterprise Simulation will take place on October 27-29, 2010 in Versailles, France at the 'Palais de Congres'
Over the past three years, Altair's Annual European HyperWorks Technology Conference has grown into one of Europe's premier PLM technology events. In 2009 our constantly growing, multi-day conference brought more than 500 industry professionals together, from a broad range of industry verticals including aerospace, automotive, consumer products, electronics, healthcare, heavy equipment, military, rail transit, ship building and white goods.
The 4th European HTC will again highlight the latest trends, developments and applications in the field of enterprise computer aided engineering (CAE) and will showcase cutting-edge methods, applications and industry examples of CAE-driven innovations. The three days will be packed with valuable technical information. Just as in 2009, the event will officially be divided into two parts. On Wednesday we will offer workshops for different simulation related topics and host a variety of customer, product, and user meetings like the solidThinking day. Thursday and Friday are dedicated to our traditional conference proceedings, including a broad range of technical and keynote presentations from across industry, the meet the expert sessions, and our partner exhibition.
This year's conference location is situated in the centre of France, close to Paris. Versailles is a city renowned for its chateau, the Palace of Versailles, was the de facto capital of the kingdom of France for over a century, from 1682 to 1789. It is now a wealthy suburb of Paris and remains an important administrative and judicial centre. The venue of this year's conference is full of character and located in the square of the Chateau de Versailles, in the city centre of Versailles, right across the famous castle. It offers a large exhibition space, and several prestigious auditoriums and meeting rooms for our keynote and technical sessions as well as for the diverse additional meetings.
Register your attendance now