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Forum TERATEC 2013
Atelier 6 - Mercredi 26 juin de 14h00 à 18h00
Modélisation et simulation au service de la ville durable

Control of natural risks: case of the earthquakes
Philippe BISCH
Président du groupe Innovation de SYNTEC Ingénierie et Président honoraire de l’AFPS Association Française du Génie Parasismique

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Abstract : Earthquakes are destructive natural phenomena when they occur in the vicinity of urban areas. They have produced three to four million deaths during the 20th century and they have produced the disasters among the most costly in economic terms. Seismic risk is the combination of the actual seismic hazard, the vulnerability of structures and the consequences of their damage. In fact, this risk increases over time because if, at a given place, it is recognized that hazard is not changing, urban sprawl in some seismic areas, including major world metropolises, in conditions of non-earthquake-resistant construction, may lead to the multiplication of disasters like in Haiti in 2010. Appropriate modelling of all components of risk will be discussed during the presentation.

Biography : Philippe Bisch is a specialist in structural design and analysis and presently professor in charge of structural mechanics courses at the “Ecole des Ponts ParisTech” (ENPC1). In parallel, he drove a carrier in engineering and now occupies a post of scientific director with the EGIS group2. He is presently president of the “Institute of Engineering” (IdéI) which promotes and organises R&D collaborative programs within the profession of engineering. He was formerly president of the “European Association for Earthquake Engineering” (EAEE) and of the “French Association for Earthquake Engineering” (AFPS3). He participated as vice-president of CEN sub-committee TC250/SC8 to the writing of Eurocode 8. Mr Bisch is an active member of the “French Aseismic Construction Standards Committee” (CN-PS) and of the experts “group for the prevention of seismic risk in France” (GEPP4).





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