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Forum TERATEC 2014
Atelier 2 - Mercredi 2 juillet 9h00 à 12h30
Optimal design of complex systems: state of the art technology and locks

Techniques de réduction de modèles pour prédire le risque de rupture par fatigue pour des stents d'artères périphériques en prenant en compte les variations d'anatomie

Reduced Oder Modeling techniques to predict the risk of fatigue fracture of peripheral stents taking into account human variability

Research Director, ANSYS

Abstract : Around 20% of the population over 60 years old have peripheral arterial disease, and in a fifth of them symptoms can become severe and progressive, causing major lifestyle limitation; in many of these cases a stent can solve the problem effectively. The risk of stent rupture is becoming an increasing source of concerns for devices placed in peripheral arteries (this risk could affect 30% of the patients). We aim to develop and validate a sophisticated patient-specific model of the fatigue-fracture of a stent, integrated in a computer-aided surgery planning application, implemented to run in real-time during the surgical planning, so as to provide advice of the risk of stent rupture while the surgeon is planning the operation.

The technological pillars of this development are:

  • Finite element simulation of the angioplasty including stent deployment, axial and bending fatigue cycles.
  • Definition of large variation anatomical parameters representing the human variability.
  • Reduced order model techniques to accurately parameterize simulation results.
  • HPC techniques to manage thousands of large runs.
  • Web application to review results in real time.

The project RT3S (Real Time Simulation for Safer Vasclar Stenting) was partially funded by EU (FP7 - ICT for patient safety) and the main partners were Politecnico di Milano, Medtronic, Cineca, University of Sheffield and Ansys.

Biographie : Michel ROCHETTE
DR Michel ROCHETTE has a PhD in Applied Mathematics from the University of Nice. He was the founder of CADOE (as adaptive computation using high order derivatives) in 1994. Since 2001, after the acquisition of CADOE by ANSYS, he has been managing the research and development in France. His main research topics are reduced order modeling and patient specific simulation.

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