> > Atelier 5
Forum TERATEC 2016
Atelier 5 - Mercredi 29 juin de 14h00 à 17h30
Visualisation et Multimédia
Software Defined Visualization: Fast, Flexible Solutions for Rendering Big Data
Abstract : Supercomputers help to analyze huge data sets and to simulate complex theories in different science domains. Today, the results of these analyses and simulations are visualized using GPUs in workstations or small, dedicated visualization clusters. However, visualization on GPUs becomes harder and harder due to the ever increasing data size to transport and process.
A very compelling alternative is software-defined visualization, i.e. using the CPUs of HPC-clusters also for visualization. One project in this direction is OpenSWR, a fast software rasterizer implementing the OpenGL API, which can be used as a drop-in replacement for many visualization applications. Another project presented is OSPRay, a scalable and flexible, ray tracing based rendering library. This talk will show that software-defined visualization cannot only compete well with GPU-based visualization, but is often actually the better choice, because of the offered high-fidelity renderings
Bio : Johannes Günther is a Senior Graphics Software Engineer at Intel, where he is working on high-performance visualization libraries. Before he has been many years Senior Researcher and Software Architect at Dassault Systèmes 3DEXCITE, Munich. He received his PhD in Computer Science from Saarland University. |
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