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Forum TERATEC 2018
Atelier 1 - Mercredi 20 juin de 09h00 à 12h30
Augmenting a viable digital twin strategy with simulation
We present a use case of one of our clients doing mission-critical systems for rail and automotive that we have converted (IP-free) to be our most directly accessible showcase of using simulation to augment a digital twin strategy. We outline:
• what is the business case behind a DT engagement ?
• what is system simulation and why is it needed to actually bring a DT to life?
• our demonstrator (in video), and how it can animate to let people think about a DT strategy
• strengths of the widely-used ANSYS platform for simulation
• strategies on how to connect above CAE/simulation platform to IoT middlewar
Biographie : Tobias Knostmann
• Diploma for Computer Science specialised on Embedded Systems from Carl von Ossietzky University of Oldenburg
• Esterel Technologies SA: Technical consultant at Esterel Technologies SA
• Esterel: Sales manager Central Europe
• Esterel: Vice president Central Europe
• CADFEM: Business development |
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Jean-Pascal JEGU
Tél : +33 (0)9 70 65 02 10 - Mob.: +33 (0)6 11 44 49 59
2, rue de la Piquetterie