> > Ateliers > Atelier 1
Atelier 1 - de 09h00 à 12h30
Jumeaux Numériques : du « concept » à la mise en œuvre industrielle
Présidé par Laurent ANNE, DISTENE
L'ère des « jumeaux numériques » : du concept aux succès industriel
Hybrid Twin combining two models – one based on the physics and the other on the prediction/measurement deviation – seems the most appealing modeling framework to efficiently address predictions in industrial environments involving some amount of inherent uncertainty concerning the models associated to materials, processes and systems.
The models based on physics can be nowadays addressed under the stringent real-time constraint, by using advanced Model Order Reduction (MOR) techniques. The Proper Generalized Decomposition (PGD) method, is one of these well-established MOR techniques that consists of calculating offline a parametric model containing the solutions of all possible scenarios – while circumventing the combinatorial exposition. It enables real-time simulation, optimization, inverse and sensitivity analyses, uncertainty propagation and simulation-based control.
The data-driven model, learned-on-the-flight to capture the potential deviations between the physics-based model predictions and the measurements, makes use of advanced machine learning techniques.
Thus, Dynamic Data Driven Applications Systems (DDDAS) based on the hybrid paradigm outlined above constitute a new era in simulation-based-and-data engineering sciences. It is applicable across materials, processes, structures, and complex systems – bridging design, manufacturing, and the systems in-operation throughout their lives, enhancing their performances and lifecycle.
The just described concepts will be illustrated from several case studies and industrial realizations proving their performances and extremely high potential.

Biographie : Francisco Chinesta is currently full Professor of computational physics at ENSAM ParisTech (Paris, France). He was (2008-2012) AIRBUS Group chair professor and since 2013 he is ESI Group chair professor on advanced modeling and simulation of materials, structures, processes and systems. He is honorary fellow of the “Institut Universitaire de France”, Fellow of the Spanish Royal Academy of Engineering. He received many scientific awards in four different fields: bio-engineering, material forming processes, rheology and computational mechanics. He is author of 300 papers in peer-reviewed international journals and more than 600 contributions in conferences. He is president of the French association of computational mechanics (CSMA) and director of the CNRS research group (GdR) on model order reduction techniques for engineering sciences, president of the Scientific and Technical committee of the French Association of Mechanics. He is editor and associate editor of many journals. He received in 2019 de CNRS Silver Medal. |
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