> > > Atelier 7
Application of Optimization & CFD in Surgical Planning for Percutaneous Coronary Intervention
Silvia POLES
Senior Application Engineer, NOESIS SOLUTIONS
Résumé : When cardiologists treat narrowed or blocked heart arteries as found in coronary heart diseases, they typically use off-the-shelf available stents. Placing such stents permanently opens the arteries at locations with build-up of cholesterol-laden plaques. Recent research resulted in an Optimus-managed simulation process that optimizes medical intervention for improving local coronary blood circulation.
In this process, the Optimus Process Capturing & Design Optimization platform integrates mesh morphing and computational fluid dynamics (CFD) simulations into an automated, repeatable process. Use of CFD technologies is critical to correctly model the complex fluid dynamics induced by the stenosis (narrowed section of the artery) in its proximal (upstream) and distal (downstream) regions.
It is demonstrated how to enable the automation of the CFD analyses over a longer segment of the narrowed artery, running a parametric CFD simulation campaign to assess the blood flow improvement margin and directing simulations towards an optimized artery shape. One of the challenges of setting up a parametric simulation campaign relates to the time needed to run each of the individual CFD simulations. One key aspect concerns the capability to intelligently submit simulation jobs in parallel on a HPC cluster significantly reduced total elapsed time of the entire simulation campaign. |
The optimization results that were achieved underline the need for patient-specific stents that optimize local blood circulation for heart disease patients undergoing medical treatment. Compared to treatment using standard coronary stents, optimized patient-specific stents were found to improve local blood circulation characteristics by over 20% - thus improving the patient’s comfort and quality of life.
Biographie : Silvia POLES
Silvia earned her master’s degree in mathematics at the University of Padova. After that, she completed a two-year master in 'Modeling and Simulation Complex Realities' at the International Centre for Theoretical Physics (ICTP) in Trieste, Italy.
Silvia has 15 years of experience in optimization software devel-opment and related industrial applications. She published many papers and studies in the field of the multiobjective optimiza-tion, data mining, approximation methods and decision support on international referee journals and conferences. Her research interests cover the fields of multi-objective and evolutionary optimization methods, industrial design optimization, multi-variate analysis, approximation methodologies, reliability analy-sis and multi-criteria decision making.
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Le secteur de la biologie et de la santé fait de plus en plus appel aux technologies de l’information et de la communication et notamment au calcul haute performance, comme par exemple pour le traitement de grandes masses de données ou d’informations (biologiques (génomique, protéomique) ou cliniques (imagerie médicale, épidémiologie…)) ou pour la simulation de phénomènes complexes (modélisation moléculaire, physiome, mécanismes des maladies, effets des médicaments, conception de nano-systèmes, de biomatériaux, d’organes artificiels ou de robots chirurgicaux ou d’assistance au handicap……).
On peut également citer l’ensemble des activités de surveillance et d’assistance au malade (smart systems, télémédecine). Ainsi le champ applicatif de ces technologies couvre l’ensemble des besoins médicaux dans le domaine de la prévention, du diagnostic et de la prise en charge thérapeutique.
Après un exposé introductif du Dr. François Ballet, président du Comité R&D du pôle de compétitivité MEDICEN, sur les grandes orientations actuelles de l’usage du HPC en santé, un point a été fait dans deux domaines d’application spécifiques :
La biologie intégrative, en particulier pour la recherche et la conception de nouveaux médicaments,
L’usage de l’imagerie médicale et des techniques de réalité virtuelle.
L’objectif de cet atelier organisé par TERATEC et MEDICEN a été, au travers de ces présentations et des débats associés, de faire émerger les grands axes des initiatives futures associant Santé et HPC.