> > Atelier 4
Forum TERATEC 2016
Atelier 4 - Mercredi 29 juin de 9h00 à 12h30
Architectures de calcul spécialisées : auxiliaires ou challengers ?
FPGA-powered storage-attached compute accelerator for real-time petabyte-scale analytics on 4U/6KW
Abstract : This talks presents the FERMAT FPGA-powered storage-attached compute accelerator, which packs 20,928 DSPs attached to 64TB of flash memory with a 83GB/s bandwidth, all within a PCIe Gen3 ×16 board. This hardware, combined with the STOIC Big Data Spreadsheet, enables real-time analytics on petabyte-scale datasets using just 4U of vertical space within a standard rack and 6KW of electrical power with regular forced-air cooling.
Bio : Ismael Ghalimi is a graduate of the École des Mines de Nancy and lives in Silicon Valley since 1999. He is a proud father of three, a scuba assistant instructor, and an instrument-rated private pilot. |
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