
Accueil > Actualités > L'Actu des membres et partenaires

L'Actu des membres et partenaires

Février 2009 - Enginsoft training and recruitment

In September 2008 EnginSoft has launched a Training & Recruitment Initiative in Europe with the aim to support its growing European Network.

Course Participants will be taught and trained by outstanding experts from both EnginSoft and partner universities in various CAE sectors:

  • CFD
  • Process integration and optimisation
  • Simulation of manufacturing processes
  • Advanced mechanics applications

Theoretical lessons linked to industrial applications will allow participants to gain deep insights into the world of CAE.

The Program of Intensive Training Courses will commence in February 2009, it will last three month and will be held in Bergamo (Italy).

Young graduates and post-docs from engineering (all sectors), informatics, mathematics and physics.

Following and in the attached file you find a description of the initiative:


Information and registration:

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