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L'Actu des membres et partenaires

Séminaire de l'IDRIS du 14 janvier 2010

Ce séminaire de l'IDRIS aura lieu jeudi 14 janvier 2010 de 10h30 à 12h dans les locaux de l'IDRIS.

Le projet DOE/NSF International Exascale Software Project
et la proposition européenne EESI European Exascale Software Initiative

EDF, Research and Development Division

Cet exposé présentera les objectifs et les premiers résultats du projet International Exascale Software Project qui a débuté fin 2008 à l’initiative du DOE et de la NSF, ainsi que la proposition EESI, European Exascale Software Initiative, qui a été soumise fin 2009 pour financement à la Commission Européenne.

Dr. Jean-Yves Berthou, Information Technologies Program Director, EDF, Research and Development Division.
Jean-Yves Berthou has been a researcher for EDF R&D since 1997. He received a Ph.D in computer science from “Pierre et Marie Curie” University (Paris VI) in 1993. His research deals mainly with Parallelization, Parallel Programming and Software Architecture for scientific computing.
Jean-Yves Berthou was the head of the Applied Scientific Computing Group at EDF R&D from 2002 to 2006. This research group was dedicated to Simulation Platforms Development, Scientific Software Architecture, Code Optimization, High Performance Computing, Cluster and Grid Computing. He has been Charg´e de Mission Strategic Steering Manager for Simulation, in charge of the simulation program at EDF R&D from 2006 to 2008. He is now the Director of the EDF R&D Information Technologies Program.
Jean-Yves Berthou is the Chairman of the Simulation and Design Evaluation Committee of the French National Research Agency, member of the steering committee of OCDS group (Systems Design and Development ToolsWorking Group) from the SYSTEM@TICCompetitiveness cluster and member of the INRIA Evaluation Commission.

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