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L'Actu des membres et partenaires

STAR-CCM+ /Power-On-Demand:
CD-adapco Pioneers Engineering Simulation on the Cloud

New York, London. March 31, 2010

CD-adapco today announced a revolutionary new product licensing scheme, called, “STAR-CCM+ /Power-On-Demand”, which allows users to run STAR-CCM+ /Power Session simulations using on-demand cloud computing service such as Amazon EC2, SGI Cyclone or any public, private and hybrid cloud.

In 2008, CD-adapco changed the paradigm for CAE licensing by introducing the "Power Session" licensing scheme, which gives users to access unlimited computational resources for a single fixed fee: breaking the relationship between software cost and hardware resources (number of cores) deployed in a simulation. STAR-CCM+ /Power-On-Demand extends this principle by allowing users to deploy those resources as and when they are needed:

CD-adapco’s innovative new STAR-CCM+ /Power-On-Demand product will redefine the standard for engineering simulation,” says Jean-Claude Ercolanelli, VP Product Management. “Everyone can now access STAR-CCM+ by-the-hour, on an unlimited number of cores and uncounted number of sessions at an attractive rate, giving the entire engineering community the ability to optimize their simulation resources as they are needed! STAR-CCM+ /Power-on-demand gives our users an unlimited simulation burst capacity to top up their software and hardware resources in times of peak demand."

The compelling benefits of STAR-CCM+ /Power-On-Demand include:

  • Increased power: Each license allows access to unlimited computing resources, either on your own cluster or using those of cloud computing services

  • Increased throughput: Each license allows to run an uncounted number of sessions, concurrently or not

  • Increased flexibility : Creation of a flexible simulation environment that expands and contracts based on your workload and target performance parameters, providing you with burst capacity

Designed around the principle of automation, the overriding goal of STAR-CCM+ is to make it easier for engineers to concentrate on engineering analysis, freeing them from the repetitive routine tasks traditionally associated with preparing and running simulations. This cooperative and integrated approach allows engineers to focus their time on generating a constant stream of useful information to guide the design process, ultimately resulting in more innovative, better engineered products.

For more information, contact your CD-adapco representative.






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