> > Ateliers > Atelier 3

Atelier 03 - De 15h00 à 18h30
Les Industries Culturelles et Créatives à l’heure de l’Intelligence artificielle et du HPC
Présidé par Charles Huot, Président et Marc Bourhis, Community leader Industries Culturelles et Créatives & Program Manager, Cap Digital
La simulation, la modélisation et l'IA comme outils pour améliorer les applications dans les secteurs créatifs
Par Tomasz Bednarz, Director, Strategic Researcher Engagement, NVidia
Science and simulation are inherently creative processes, and artificial intelligence (AI) has been with us for quite a long-time assisting us in effective and creative knowledge discovery and generative assets creation. AI has the capacity to educate and augment humans, and to make them better at their jobs and activities, including carrying out more effective scientific discovery or enhancing cultural experiences.
This talk will highlight and show examples of how scalable computational, graphics, and generative methods plus AI-driven simulation techniques can generate new theories, uncover new knowledge, create art, reveal invisible, and assist in 3D reconstruction that can be applied across creative industries.
Biographie : Tomasz is a Director of Strategic Researcher Engagement at NVIDIA Corporation. His team at NVIDIA actively engages and collaborates with top researchers and premier research institutions that do compelling, computationally intense work to solve some of the world’s most challenging scientific problems across research domains.
Earlier he was a Director and Head of Visualization at the Expanded Perception & Interaction Centre (EPICentre) at the UNSW, and Leader in Simulation and Modeling at CSIRO’s - Australian National Science Agency.
Over the last couple of years, he has been involved in wide range of projects in area of immersive visualization, human-computer interaction, computational imaging, image analysis and processing, accelerated computing, simulation, modeling, computer graphics, computer games, computational fluid dynamics, machine learning, artificial intelligence, and multi-sensors assimilation.
In 2019, he served as SIGGRAPH Asia 2019 conference Chair.