Coordinator :
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SYSTEM@TIC Working group:
Start date :
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To download the Project sheet,
The Collaviz program is an innovative multidomain remote collaborative platform for the simulation-based design applications. In partnership with 28 French and international partners, Collaviz will bring to the scientific and industrial community the opportunity to make remote analysis and collaboration easily available and scalable. Web-based technologies, on the top of shared high-performance computing and visualization centers, will permit researchers and engineers handling very large data sets, including 3D data models, by using a single workstation, wherever in the world. Just a "standard" internet connexion will be needed. Collaviz will propose a smart solution to break the bottlenecks of data volume production and processing that the industry will quickly face.
There are 2 different phases into the Collaviz project. The first one will last 24 months. During this time the workgroups will define the framework architecture and develop 2 prototypes. One after 12 months and the iterative second one 12 months later. The second main phase will be used to set up the demonstrators as proof of concept.
Collaviz will:
Provide applications designed for habits of very different communities (geophysics, fluid dynamics, structure, biochemical, drug design…).
Use mainstream technologies for the service access (low bandwidth internet access, standard hardware for visualization…),
Deliver interactive and participative collaboration, not only remote “shared display” visualization.
Provide the tools tomanage all the services froma user and administrator point of view, to have a full transparent access to these scalable resources: visualization clusters, grid...

The first prototype of Collaviz is ready for been assessed by the community of the
project. Improvements and industrialization are two steps planned for late 2010.