Coordinator :
Call :
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SYSTEM@TIC Working group :
Start date :
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Hardware architecture, integration and performances > technological options > prototype.
Basic tools (OS, libraries,…) + performance improvement tools (threadsmanagement, adaptive optimisation).
Applications: simulation codes, management of large databases, multimedia data processing (life science, entertainment).

Optimization of codes from Dassault, ESI, Eurodecision, EDF; Bull petaflopic architecture
and tools; Astek codlet finder by CAPS.
VOD transcoding service offer by Resonate MP4; intensive computing services on demand by Bull; Creation of an Intensive computing Master by UVSQ and ECP; …
About 50 publications, mainly written by the laboratories.
Big Video challenge (finding 1video in 100,000 hours in 10 s; realtime video transcoding; crosslanguage research of multimedia content; protein visualisation.
Job creation:
About 30 jobs created, on which 3: in start-up Infinite Web Media.
Business creation:
Extrem computing Business unit created by Bull for the HPC market.