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Teratec 2024 Forum
Thursday, May 30th

Workshop 05 - 09:00 am to 12:30 am

Is the Cloud the (inevitable) future of HPC?
Urban legends and realities

Chaired by Gilles Tourpe, Business Development Manager HPC, AWS and Xavier Vigouroux, Head of business development, CGG

CSTB (Centre Scientifique et Technique du Batiment) and HPC
By Yann Holly, Directeur des Systèmes d’Information, CSTB, Ludovic Redcent, Responsable Infrastructure systèmes et réseaux, CSTB, Dominique Lenoir, Chef de projet informatique industrielle, CSTB, Jérémy Déchard, consultant expert HPC, AS+ and Julien Minière, consultant expert HPC, AS+

The CSTB has deployed its HPC in the Cloud to provide its engineers with flexible and powerful tools. Beyond a paradigm shift, come and discover the main stages of this project, the obstacles that had to be overcome and the current result.

Biography: After completing a thesis in relativistic plasma physics induced by laser pulses at CEA, Jérémy Déchard joined the AS+ company, transitioning from using high-performance computing (HPC) infrastructures to their administration. Since then, he has been involved in various HPC topics: providing support to end users, benchmarking performance, developing and optimizing HPC codes on heterogeneous architectures (MPI, OpenMP, GPU), managing computing resources for academic and industrial stakeholders, and now exploring HPC usage in the cloud.
Biography: After completing a thesis in astrophysics at the CEA and the Paris Observatory, Julien Minière joined AS+. He began by providing application support to users within the TGCC, before dedicating himself to the development of HPC (High-Performance Computing) codes for several years (implementation of solvers in a molecular dynamics code, developments in a plasma physics code, etc.). He then participated in various optimization or code porting projects on heterogeneous architectures, and is now responsible for setting up and administering various computing infrastructures, both for on-premise supercomputers and in the AWS cloud.

Biography: De formation ingénieur, Yann Holly a rejoint le CSTB en 2016 pour créer la Direction des systèmes d’information et pour mener un vaste programme de transformation et de modernisation des SI, après un parcours sur des fonctions similaires dans la finance, la banque et l’industrie. 


Biography: Ludovic Redcent, responsable Infrastructure systèmes et réseaux est au CSTB depuis 2006 en tant que ingénieur système et réseaux. Il est responsable du pôle DaERO (Datacenter Environnement Réseaux Opération) depuis 2017.


Biography: Après des études en génie chimique et informatique Dominique Lenoir a intégré le CSTB en 2002 au service support informatique du site de MLV, puis rejoint le site de Nantes en 2006 pour un poste plus orienté acquisition de données et informatique scientifique. Actuellement chef de projet informatique industrielle.

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