> > Workshop 3
Architectures for HPC/HPDA – a few trends and perspectives
The ARM ecosystem for scientific computing
Geraint NORTH, Architect, High Performance Ecosystem, ARM Ltd
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High-performance, power-efficient 64-bit ARM cores are now commercially available from a variety of silicon vendors, with more SoC design choices on the way.
This session will cover recent developments in the 64-bit ARM hardware and software ecosystem that makes the ARMv8 architecture an increasingly viable basis for high-performance system designs.
Geraint will provide an update on the ARM HPC software ecosystem: compilers, numerical libraries, tools and parallel runtimes and also delve into a number of on-going, publicly funded HPC research projects and proof-of-concepts where ARM and its partners are collaborating in the pursuit of exascale computing.
Geraint North is the architect and a founding member of ARM's new software development centre in Manchester, who deliver the High Performance Ecosystem for the ARM platform. Their mission is to ensure that adequate compilers, tools and libraries are available wherever there is demand for cutting-edge performance on ARM systems, from phones to supercomputers.
Previously at IBM, Geraint was the storage architect for IBM's Cloud Systems Software group, designing products built on OpenStack. He has also worked on a wide range of products and research areas across enterprise storage, POWER systems hardware, AIX and BlueGene. Prior to IBM, Geraint was a Principal Engineer at Transitive Corporation, developing dynamic binary translation technology for Apple, Silicon Graphics, IBM and others. Geraint holds over twenty patents in the fields of dynamic binary translation, enterprise storage and microprocessor high-availability. |
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