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TERATEC Forum 2015
Workshop 4 - Wednesday, June 24 from 9:00 to 12:30
Big data, multiscale and materials

From images to property computations in carbon/carbon composites at three scales

Carbon/carbon composites have outstanding mechanical and thermal properties at extreme temperatures, and consequently usages in the aerospace domain (propulsion, braking, atmospheric reentry).

Their design rests on a sound knowledge of the properties of their constituents and their arrangement in space. This is a particularly difficult task, due to the complexity of this arrangement.

We propose to review some approaches at several scales (molecular scale, fiber-scale, composite scale), based on imaging and computations in large domains built from these images. These methods are potentially very greedy of numerical resources.  They allow understanding the impact of the arrangement of the constituents on the global material behavior and hence a better design through virtual materials techniques.

Gerard L. Vignoles, Professeur, Université de Bordeaux. Responsable du thème scientifique : « modélisation physico-chimique des composites thermostructuraux » au sein du LCTS. Thèmes principaux : Modélisation de procédés; Imagerie 3D de milieux poreux et calculs; Cinétique chimique homogène et hétérogène; Modélisation multi-échelle de la structure et du comportement des composites thermostructuraux. 94 articles,  Index h = 16




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