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Home > TERATEC FORUM > Workshop 7
The Infrastructure of Petabyte-Scale Scientific Data Archiving Abstract : The sources of data of scientific interest have grown massively over recent years with improvements of sensors and signal digitization. The results of complex numerical simulations are also producing increasing qualities of data that must either be archived on disk or tape or recalculated if not saved. With the advent of modern map-reduce based analysis techniques, these various sources of scientific data have proven of great worth for the study of trends and extracting additional information from the data. Industrial entities have begun to offer the storage of data for their customers as an added value service. This presentation will review the challenges associated with the explosion of stored data volumes, the growing expectations of on-demand capacity, durability, geo-protection and diversity of access methods along with the technologies that Scality has developed to address these challenges. The distributed object based storage approach adopted by Scality will be reviewed along with examples draw from various industry and research partners.
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