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TERATEC 2019 Forum
Plenary sessions - Roundtables
Tuesday, June 11, 2019

Personal Health and Digital technology

Animated by Sophy CAULIER, journalist

Which hardware and software infrastructures will enable implementation of this personalized medicine while guaranteeing required physical security and data logic? From the surgeon operating with the help of augmented reality to the pharmacist verifying the compatibility of treatments prescribed to any single patient, from the patient following treatment for a chronic disease while staying at home to the medical expert who assists a colleague remotely in a refugee camp, digitization of the health sector brings many therapeutic, economic and societal benefits. However, it raises concerns about confidentiality and data protection.

Beyond technological solutions, the impact of digital technology on health is profoundly transforming patient-physician relationship. Will technology be able to maintain the human relationship inherent in face-to-face consultation? Will the surgeon operating remotely experience the same feeling of "treating" as when he operates in situ? So many questions that technology must address or it will never gain the trust of both patients and practitioners.

With the participation of :

Jean Michel RONDEAU, Project Manager, Atos
Jacques-Charles LAFOUCRIERE, Department Leader, CEA
Thierry PELLEGRINO, VP & General Manager of HPC, Dell EMC
Jean-Luc ASSOR, Worldwide Manager Hybrid HPC/HPC Cloud, HPE
Valère DUSSAUX, Directeur du secteur Santé et Sciences de la vie, Western Europe, Intel

© TERATEC 2019

For further information about the plenary sessions, please contact:

Jean-Pascal JEGU
Tél : +33 (0)9 70 65 02 10 - Mob.: +33 (0)6 11 44 49 59
2, rue de la Piquetterie

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