> > Workshops > Workshop 1
Tuesday June 22 - Technical workshop
Workshop 01 - 14:00 to 16:00
Europe is on its way towards "Hybrid Qomputing"
Organised and moderated by Kristel Michielsen, Jülich Supercomputing Centre, Guillaume Colin de Verdière, International Expert in HPC, CEA, and Jean-Philippe Nominé, HPC Strategic Collaborations Manager, CEA
Quantum computing applications in natural sciences and material design
By Ivano Tavernelli, Research Staff Member in Quantum Technology, IBM Research
In the recent years, new technologies based on artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) in combination with high performance computing (HPC) and atomistic modelling have radically transformed the traditional approach to material discovery.
AI-driven research will open up new avenues for the discovery of advanced materials, which could drive the manufacturing of better-performing, sustainable products with enormous social impact. Furthermore, with the advent of quantum computing we will soon witness a significant growth of our capabilities to address problems that are impossible to solve with conventional HPC. While still in its infancy, quantum computing has already emerged as a viable technology that can offer scalable solutions for many classically intractable problems in different domains including physics, chemistry, material design, biology, and medicine, as well as optimization, machine learning and finance.
In this talk, I will briefly outline the most recent technological advancements (in both hardware and software) that enabled the rise of quantum computing and present some applications in the domain of molecular structure prediction and material design.
Biography: Ivano Tavernelli is a Research Staff Member in Quantum Technology at IBM Research – Zurich. In 2018 he became IBM Global leader for Advanced Algorithms Quantum Simulations, responsible for quantum simulations and applications in chemistry, physics, and material science. He also co-leads the development of the IBM software platform Qiskit Nature. His focus is the design of efficient and scalable quantum algorithms for near-term and fault-tolerant quantum computers. Prior to IBM, he held a Post-Doctoral fellowship at Cambridge University (UK) and a position of Maître of Teaching and Research at the Swiss Federal institute of Technology of Lausanne (EPFL). He holds two masters (Biochemistry and Theoretical Physics from ETH Zurich) and a doctorate in theoretical bio-physics also from ETH Zurich. |
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