> > Workshops > Workshop 3
Wednesday June 23
Workshop 03 - 14:00 to 16:00
CyberThreats, welcome to a new World !
Chaired by Stéphane Perez, Cybersecurity Project Officer, CEA
Cyber threat status and CSIRTs : ANSSI point of view
By Sylvie Andraud, Division coordination sectorielle, Bureau Energie, Transport et Environnement, ANSSI
Attacks in the cyber space have increased at an almost exponential rate over the past two years. The ability of cyber-criminals and cyber-spies to commit their crimes has become professionalized, globalized and industrialized, and is growing faster than that of their victims to protect themselves. Furthermore, the exposure surface of the systems grows in proportion to digitization, our societies are thus exposed to a risk of major cyber crises. Industrial environments are not spared, in a context of IT (information technology) / OT (operational technology) convergence and of industrial activities digitization. Applying simple cybersecurity measures allows to protect against a large number of attacks and ANSSI publishes numerous guides for companies and administrations. Within ANSSI, the government center for monitoring, alerting and responding to computer attacks (CERT-Fr) has the main mission of acquiring, capitalizing and sharing knowledge on cyber threats and system vulnerabilities, to communicate on the prevention and reaction measures to be adopted and to offer an incident response service to victims of cyberattacks. CERT-Fr is part of several trusted networks that cooperate on the subject of cyber threat. CERT-FR publishes security alerts, threat and incident reports, security notices outlining vulnerabilities and ways to prevent them, indicators of compromise and newsletters.
Biography: With a graduate of INSA Rennes, having worked for 9 years as CISO in the field of electronic payment, I have been sectorial coordinator at ANSSI (Agence nationale de la sécurité des systèmes d’information) since June 2017 and I am in charge of the water and maritime transport sector. The Sectoral Coordination division is responsible for coordinating the relations and actions carried out by ANSSI with public and private administrations and operators - in particular operators of vital importance (OIV) and operators of essential services (OSE) - to strengthen the security and defense of their information systems, at both technical level and organizational level. |
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Jean-Pascal JEGU
Tel : +33 (0)9 70 65 02 10
2, rue de la Piquetterie