> > Workshops > Workshop 6
Thursday June 24
Workshop 06 - 16:00 to 18:00
New Storage Paradigms to Tackle Exascale Challenges
Chaired by Philippe Deniel, chef du Laboratoire architecture du stockage et des systèmes, CEA DAM
Data management for Exascale: toward a user centric paradigm
By Sven Oehme, CTO, DDN
et Jean-Thomas Acquaviva, Team lead Research Group, DDN
Exascale systems will consume and produce huge amount of data. The prevalent model, based on a unified file system, is challenged. Challenged technically due to the difficulty to spread parallelism for file system to this scale and challenged ontologically since no single user will ever need to parse such a large file system. They need part of it.
DDN approach is to create object store at scale, these architectures are more loosely coupled and more scalable, and dynamically deployed on the top of it high-performance parallel file system tailored to the user needs.
This talk will introduce RED the corner stone of this strategy.
RED is a high-performance software defined object-store. Internally RED supports a dual I/O engine which selects an optimized IO path depending on the nature of the IO: Latency driven or bulk data requests are then served appropriately. RED by design has built-in resilience and malleability. This key feature allows to accommodate COTS hardware. Externally RED exposes either directly an object interface or a block storage interface. These properties are ideal to use RED as the backend for a Lustre file systems. Lustre provides full POSIX high performance access on the top of the virtually exposed block storage devices.
This architecture proposes the best of both worlds, POSIX and Performance at scale. The possibility to dynamically carve a Lustre system out of Exascale object-store is the right technical answer to the data deluge.
Biographie : Sven began his career at IBM in 1993, and has worked in multiple disciplines over the last 25 years. From Linux Virtualization, and Storage Virtualization to Filesystems, Sven led the team driving most of the performance improvements on Spectrum Scale (GPFS) over the last 10 years. As part of the core architecture team, Sven was responsible for metadata, streaming IO and specific analytics optimizations. Sven joined DDN in 2018 as Chief Research Officer driving innovation across DDN’s existing and future product portfolio. |
Biographie : Jean-Thomas Acquaviva successively worked for Intel, the University of Versailles and the French Atomic Commission (CEA). He participated to the creation of their joint laboratory the Exascale Research Centre, where he led the Performance Evaluation Team. Today he’s actively contributing to the development of the DataDirectNetwork Advanced Technology Centre in France.
Jean-Thomas is the author of twenty publications mostly focused on performance optimization. He holds a PhD from the University of Versailles performed at CEA/DAM. |
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