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Matinale 100% Digitale - 3 décembre 2024 de 9h00 à 11h00
Tendances et usages de l’IA générative dans la recherche et l’industrie
Matinale 100% Digitale - 3 décembre 2024 de 9h00 à 11h00
Tendances et usages de l’IA générative dans la recherche et l’industrie
The European meeting for Experts in High Power Digital
Simulation . HPC/HPDA . Artificial Intelligence . Quantum Computing
Digital Thematic Mornings 
In addition to the exhibition and face-to-face conferences on May 29 and 30, 2024 at the Parc Floral de Paris, and its digital platform enabling the entire high-powered digital community to exchange ideas all year round, the Teratec Forum is offering themed Digital Morning sessions in April and December 2024. |
Morning 100% Digital - December 3, 2024 from 9:00 to 11:00 a.m.
Trends and uses of generative AI in research and industry
During this morning session, the Teratec Forum invites you to discover how generative AI will revolutionize value chains in industry and research, from design to workflows, from repetitive tasks to logistics. In particular, we'll be answering a number of key questions about its deployment and points to watch out for: use cases, types of models, how to organize its implementation in complete confidence, costs to be anticipated, support, acculturation, training... Will it always be up to humans to have the last word? These are just some of the fascinating questions we'll be exploring with our experts.
Animated by Julien Bergounhoux, rédacteur en chef de l’Usine Digitale |
By Caroline Chopinaud, directrice générale, Hub France IA
This Panorama will give you a better understanding of how generative AI works, dispelling fantasies and fads, and showing how its specific features make it a major driver of innovation and productivity for research and Industry 4.0.
By François Sabatino, president, Eclairion
IT production has evolved towards the use of increasingly specialized and demanding algorithms. This algorithmic approach has led to the design and use of dedicated computing chips that consume more and more energy, resulting in electrical hyperdensity, high compactness, and power and cooling problems for supercomputing equipment. Faced with the physical limitations of traditional colocation datacenter architectures, AI calls for new hosting solutions: containerization, electrical power, modular redundancy, rapid deployment, best value for money, controlled environmental impact. These solutions, deployed by Eclairion, embody the emergence of a hybrid model where each type of computing has its own specific hosting.
By Xavier Vigouroux, Head of Business Development HPCCS, Viridien
Generative AI is having such an impact that it is becoming the hub of all activities.Workflows are being redefined to adapt, and interfaces are changing. This has an impact on computing resources (more GPUs, more memory). This creates new constraints that need to be understood.
Animated by Julien Bergounhoux, rédacteur en chef de l’Usine Digitale, with the participation of:
- Daniel Glazman, CTO Software, VP rattaché à la direction technique Groupe et en charge de la Recherche, des Technologies et des Innovations pour le Logiciel, Thales.
- Philippe Crespin, CEO, Spix Industry
- Ilda Metani, Head of Industry AI Consulting, Schneider Electric
- Guillaume Trainar, sales director for Southern Europe, Rescale
The promise of generative AI goes far beyond the automation of repetitive tasks performed by support functions. The world of industrial operations could also benefit from it, generating substantial productivity gains. Admittedly, generative AI is still in the minority in industrial projects, but its future looks bright. This round table will provide an update on its contribution to industry, and answer a number of key questions on its deployment and points to watch out for. For which use cases? With what types of models? How can we implement it with confidence? What choices need to be made, what costs need to be anticipated...? What support, acculturation and training is required?
Research & Development session
By François Lanusse, chercheur au CNRS au sein du département d'astrophysique du CEA Paris-Saclay, et chercheur associé à l'Institut Flatiron
Modern astronomy relies increasingly on systematic sky surveys, which observe hundreds of millions of objects (be they stars, galaxies, quasars or other) through a variety of instruments. While this deluge of data represents a unique opportunity to better understand our Universe, the exploration and detailed interpretation of these heterogeneous observations is also becoming a challenge in itself, even with deep learning techniques.
To meet these challenges, we have developed the first multimodal foundation model for astrophysics on the Jean Zay computer as part of the Grand Challenges program. This model learns in an unsupervised way to generate various modalities of scientific data (images, optical spectra, time series), and the deep data representation that emerges can then be easily adapted to solve a variety of tasks, from estimating physical parameters, to finding rare and scientifically interesting objects hidden in these large volumes of data.
By Victor Schmidt, CTO, Entalpic
The discovery of new materials is essential for the environmental and energy transition of the chemical industries. However, the range of possible materials is so vast that even modern simulation methods (e.g. DFT) are too costly to be used exhaustively. This is why, today, great hopes are pinned on advances in artificial intelligence to accelerate (and automate?) materials discovery. If LLMs can make their contribution to this edifice, Entalpic is developing a scientific platform based on entirely different generative models: GFlowNets. These algorithms combine expert knowledge, data simulation, AI models and real experiments.
By Daniel Verwaerde, co-fondateur et président, Teratec
Registration >>>> |
Digital Thematic Morning - Smart cities - April 25, 2024 from 9:00 to 11:00 a.m.
AI and digital twins: undeniable assets for resilient, sustainable cities
Access the replay of the Matinale Digitale dedicated to Smart Cities, which took place on April 25 >>> |
During this morning session, the participants discovered the digital technological challenges and innovative solutions deployed in cities and metropolises to help them meet the challenges of climate change, accelerate their energy and ecological transitions, and improve their residents' quality of life.
How can we harness artificial intelligence to predict and smooth urban traffic flow?
How can we capitalize on digital twins to improve the thermal insulation of a building or the energy performance of an entire neighborhood?
What can we expect from the most ambitious research projects and new Lidar data surveys, which are reaching unprecedented levels of precision, to accelerate the development of innovation at the service of the major urban transitions of our time?
These are just some of the exciting questions we have explored on April 25, 2024 with our experts at this 100% Digital Matinale of the Teratec 2024 Forum, held in partnership with Cap Digital. |
With Professor Dominique Baillargeat, Director of CNRS office in ASEAN
With Jacques Beltran, Vice President, Global Head, Cities & Public Services, Dassault Systèmes
With François Sabatino, President, Eclairion
Round Table:
Animated by Guillaume Doyen, Editorial Director (La Gazette des communes, Le Courrier des maires...) Infopro Digital
Players in the city of tomorrow are springing into action, using artificial intelligence and digital twins to accelerate urban change. This ranges from the creation of a digital version of the whole of France to the digital reproduction of a specific neighborhood or building. Advanced technologies such as large language models and deep neural systems are also involved, as are artificial intelligences integrated into urban equipment. Now, the challenge of compatibility and interoperability at different scales is crucial to the success of this transition.
With the participation of :
- Philippe Sajhau, Director of smart cities, innovation and data, ville de Noisy-le-Grand.
- Benoit Gufflet, Innovation project manager, Groupe Bouygues
- Philippe Chevalier, General Manager and co-founder, Kipsum
- Dimitri Sarafinof, Deputy Director of Programs and Chief Strategy Officer, IGN
Research & Development session
With Sebastien Dupraz, Director of the JUNON Program, BRGM
With Francisco Chinesta, University professor in digital physics, Ecole Nationale Supérieure des Arts et Métiers
Conclusion :
By Christian Saguez, Co-founder and Honorary Chairman, Teratec
Replay the Teratec 2023 Forum Digital Morning sessions >>>> >>>>
How AI and HPC are revolutionizing the insurance and finance industry
- Panorama with Christophe Michel, Responsable Global Quantitative Research , Crédit Agricole CIB - Marché des capitaux
- Round Table: Finance-Insurance-Risk Modeling: The response of the great computing powers of AI animated by Emmanuel Duteil, Directeur des Rédactions du pole industrie d’Infopro Digital, with the participation of Emmanuel Gobet (Professeur de Mathématiques Appliqués, Ecole Polytechnique), Christophe Blanchet (Data Analytics - BFSI, Altair), Vincent Gibert (Regional Sales Manager SEUR, VAST Data), Tjerk Houweling (Consultant AI solution architecte, HPE)
- Keynote with Benjamin Roy, CTO, Capital Fund Management
- Research & Development Session with Victor Le Coz (Researcher in Econophysics, Ecole Polytechnique ) and Charles-Albert Lehalle (Quantitative R&D Lead, Abu Dhabi Investment Authority)
- key points and perspectives
by Christian Saguez, Président d'honneur et co-fondateur, Teratec
Replay >>>>
The extraordinary contribution of digital technology to healthcare
- Opening with Claude Bertrand, VP exécutif en charge de la R&D, Servier
- Keynote with Sandra Fournier, Directrice générale, Moderna France
- Round Table: Numerical modeling tools: what can they do for the healthcare sector? animated by Sylvie Latieule (Directrice des rédactions InfoChimie, Industrie Pharma) with the participation of Christophe Battail, (Chercheur en Bioinformatique, Directeur adjoint du laboratoire Gen&Chem, Institut IRIG, CEA Grenoble), Michel Behr (Directeur Adjoint du TS2, LBA - Université Gustave Eiffel /Aix-Marseille Université), Mehdi Rahim (R&D Scientist - Computational and Data Science research team, Air Liquide), Irène Vignon-Clementel (Directrice de Recherche, Inria Simbiotix and an Owkin representative
- Keynote with Loic Delannoy (Regional Sales Manager, VAST Data) and Alban Lermine (Directeur SI et Bioinformatique GCS SeqOIA)
- Keynote with Mathieu Charvériat, Co-Fondateur et Directeur Général, Theranexus
- Research and Development session with Jean-Baptiste Morlot (Co-Fondateur et CTO, DeepLife), Wilfried Kirschenmann (Directeur R&D et CTO, Aneo) and Bruno Lecointe (Group VP Business Support HPC AI & Quantum, Eviden an atos business)
- key points and perspectives by Daniel Verwaerde, Président, Teratec
Replay >>>>
Digital energy: developments and challenges
- Introduction & Overwiew with Claire Waast-Richard, Data Manager, Enedis interviewed by Emmanuel Duteil, Director of the Industry section of Infopro Digital
- Keynote with Patrick Blanc-Tranchant, Head of Research and Development Department, CEA Energy Directorate
- Round Table: Digital in future energy systems animated by Julien Bergounhoux Rédacteur en chef L'Usine Digitale with the participation of Eric Andersen, Senior GM-Head of Geoscience Solutions, Petronas), Muthukumar Sockalingam (Project Manager, Petronas Digital), Chin Soon Lim (Application Support Engineer, Petronas ICT), Victor Martin (head of R&D, Totalenergies), Jean-Thomas Acquaviva, (Team lead research groupe, DDN), Emmanuel Besse (CEO Worldgrid, Head of E&U Industry Southern Europe, EVIDEN)
- Keynote with François Sabatino, Président de Eclairion
- Research and Development Session with Joseph Mikael (Head of Quantum Computation & Quantum Information project, EDF), Mathieu Salanne (directeur ISCD - Institut des sciences du calcul et des données Sorbonne Université), Michaël Gabay (Directeur, Artelys) and Helen Schottenhamml (Doctoral Researcher, IFPEN)
- key points and perspectives by Hervé Mouren, Managing Director, Teratec
Replay >>>>
For any other information regarding Digital Thematic Mornings, please contact:
Jean-Pascal JEGU
Tel.: +33 (0)9 70 65 02 10
2, rue de la Piquetterie