Forum Teratec 2022 Plenary session Tuesday 14 June 2022
Digital Simulation for High Performance, Big Data and Machine Learning (AI): Technology challenges and diversity of use
Designing microprocessors for the exascale and artificial intelligence era: SiPearl approach Jean-Marc Denis
Chief Strategy Officer, SiPearl
SiPearl is the French company that develops the high-performance, low-power microprocessor for the European exascale and post-exascale supercomputers. In this presentation, the first part will be devoted to an update of the company. Then, we will elaborate on the strategic technological choices at the origin of the design of Rhea, its first generation of microprocessors, and put them in perspective regarding the fundamental evolutions of the supercomputer architectures of the exascale era, taking into account the major upheavals induced by the massive use of data and artificial intelligence in an open environment. Finally, we will illustrate SiPearl's strategic choices by presenting its main technological partnerships.
Biography: Jean-Marc Denis is a renowned High-Performance Computing (HPC) expert. Previously, he was Head of Strategy, Big Data and Security within the Atos group. As such, he contributed to the launch in December 2018 of the European Processor Initiative (EPI) consortium, which is at the origin of the creation of SiPearl. He was President of EPI since its inception.
After starting as a research engineer at Matra Défense in 1990, Jean-Marc held various strategic positions in the HPC ecosystem at Silicon Graphics, Compaq, Sun Microsystems, Hewlett-Packard and Bull.
Passionate about the architecture of supercomputers, for several years he taught courses dedicated to students in Master 2 in computer science at the University of Reims Champagne-Ardennes.
Jean-Marc holds an engineering degree from ENSEEIHT.