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HPC Project


ContactS :

+33 6 61 70 22 79
pierre.fiorini at hpc-project.com

VP Marketing (communication)
+33 6 81 86 32 78 roger.marhuenda at hpc-project.com

Emmanuel CHIVA,
VP Business Development (partenariat)
+33 6 09 76 66 81 emmanuel.chiva at hpc-project.com

Chief Scientific Officer
(projets R&D)
+33 6 13 14 37 66
ronan.keryell at hpc-project.com





HPC Project

HPC Project provides application-in-a-box solutions for demanding users who require intensive computational power. The company brings to the market the cumulative experience of experts in simulation, parallel computing and computer architecture. The company is dedicated to package turnkey products, providing outstanding computing performance in a desktop form factor for interactive use of complex dataset. HPC Project maintains an open source portal to publish its parallelization technologies.

Solutions from HPC Project are supported by best-of-breed technologies representing more than 25 years of R&D in the supercomputing field. HPC Project technology has been developed by the Centre de Recherche en Informatique de l’Ecole des Mines de Paris and is based upon a formal analysis of source codes enabling correct automated transformations. These techniques are used to detect inherent parallelism in applications that could then be optimized to take advantage of the latest chipset architecture.

HPC Project & TER@TEC

HPC Project and the CRI unveil a strategic partnership on code parallelization

Paris June the 1st 2009 - HPC Project, partnering with the "Centre de Recherche en Informatique" (CRI) of the Ecole des Mines announces a new Open Source platform for automatic parallelisation of computer programs.

Named "Par4all", this platform will merge various Open Source developments. Par4all aims to achieve the migration of software to multi-core and other parallel processors. Par4all is based on 20 years of academic research on "InterProcedural Parallelisation of scientific programs".

Par4all will be an evolving platform. Par4all aims to aggregate all technologies that easily transform sequential programs into parallel ones. It will offer code execution optimization on multi-core and many-core architectures without using any specific programming language.

HPC Project is committed to promote the technology CRI developed by maintaining a dedicated Internet portal, federating contributions and supporting the integration process of the platform’s software components.

With Par4all, HPC Project will offer the software industry new ways to address more easily intensive computation domains where parallelism is a determining factor.

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