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Nice Software

Via Milliavacca, 9
14100 ASTI

Tel. : +39 0141 90 15 16
Fax : +39 0141 01 98 29


Contact :
Stefano AMICO
stefano.amico at nice-software.com


NICE Software

NICE delivers Technical Cloud Products and Solutions, to worldwide customers, boosting productivity, saving money on IT and enabling faster design cycles and collaboration.

NICE helps centralizing, optimizing and consolidating HPC and visualization resources while empowering distributed and mobile Engineering workforces to run batch and interactive applications anywhere, with any client. NICE also allows engineering teams around the world to collaborate by sharing application sessions over standard networks.

NICE EnginFrame
is an advanced, commercially supported grid portal that provides access to grid-enabled infrastructures, HPC clusters, data, licenses, and interactive applications. It can be accessed by any authorized user with a standard web browser.

NICE Desktop Cloud Visualization (DCV), NICE’s remote 3D “virtual workstation” offering, is an advanced remote 3D access technology that allows technical end users to access robust 3D modeling tools through a web-based portal

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