OpenSides specializes in systems and networks infrastructure based on Free Software. His core business is the automatic deployment of heterogeneous systems: cluster calculations Linux workstation running Windows or Linux, LTSP thin client types.
His experience in the deployment of systems since 2007 allowed him to offer attractive solutions for deploying clusters.
OpenSides is commited and involved in the free software community, invited to many conferences in the fields of computing and free software. Its activities led him to support the organization of system administration theme at the Libre Software Meeting
OpenSides participates in numerous free software projects around inventory management and deployment of systems such as glpi, fusioninventory, opsi. It is a major contributor to the IT infrastructure management tool FusionDirectory.
Development and industrialuzation of new deploiement methods for Puppet, debconf and CMU inside FusionDirectory to deploy testing resources of EDF R&D
We share the same goals as Teratec, so it is natural that we wanted to participate.
The customer experience is at the center of our concerns. From installation to maintenance Passing by the use of high performance computing clusters.
OpenSides invests significantly in maintaining and improving the OpenFabrics Enterprise Distribution Layer (OFED ™) as well as with the deployment of HPC systems.
Through this initiative, combined with the experience of our specialists, we allow our clients to focus on their core businesses.