Presentation > Who is who > Members > Sogeti High Tech


Sogeti High Tech

2-10 rue Marceau
92136 Issy Les Moulineaux

Tel.: +33 (0)1 40 93 73 00
Fax: +33 (0)1 40 93 73 73


Contact :

Directrice Marketing & Communication
Tel : +33 (0)6 61 88 34 10








Sogeti High Tech
With an experience of over 25 years, Sogeti High Tech makes its skills and know-how available to Aeronautics- and Space-, Defense-, Energy-, Telecoms & media-, Railway- and Life Sciences industries.

To be more responsive to market needs, Sogeti High Tech has developed a range of expertise based on its R&D department, High Tech Labs, a real innovations incubator.

In close partnership with its customers, Sogeti High Tech develops and manufactures solutions with a high added value in the areas of Internet of Things, collaborative multi-agents systems, Big Data and cyber-security. Subsidiary company of Capgemini Group, Sogeti High Tech is a center of excellence in System Engineering, Physical Engineering, Software Engineering, Testing and Consulting services.

Sogeti High Tech & TERATEC

Sogeti High Tech has been a member of the association Teratec since the 10th of January 2013.

The decision to join Teratec, competitiveness cluster in high performance simulation, constitutes a new step in the development of Sogeti High Tech’s activities, leading player in the simulation area.

Sogeti High Tech has been investing for 15 years in high-performance digital simulation and has a dedicated competence center acting for the main industrial major accounts.

Sogeti High Tech will bring its expertise, its experience in simulation and the material, technological and human means of a large engineering services integrator.

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