> > Workshop 2
Workshop 2 - Wednesday, June 29 from 9:00 to 12:30
New approaches to big data analytics in agriculture
Agricultural and Environmental Information Systems : challenges and strategy for INRA research on agro-ecosystems
The sustainable management of cropland, forest or freshwater environments for the production of goods and services is today a major issue. In the global changes context that affects climate and land use, production of these goods and services should indeed be compatible with the preservation or restoration of the environment. Improving the management practices needs to acquire through observation, experimentation and modeling a better knowledge of the (eco-)system state as well as of the processes that determine its evolution. Mid- to long-term management of the data acquired in these studies requires to develop high quality information systems (IS).
As part of its research on cultivated or mildly anthropized ecosystems, INRA develops thematic IS for the management and exploitation of environmental data. The overall strategy is based on the sharing of IT resources, the creation of distributed IS, the standardization of data/metadata and the development of interoperability between IS and modeling platforms. The main "environmental IS" concern climatic data (CLIMATIK), soil features, agro-ecosystems of the Écophyto program (AGROSYST) and long-term observatories (SOERE IS). Beyond the management of research data from INRA and its partners, these IS aims at contributing to the sharing of data within the European INSPIRE directive context and more generally in the Open Science perspective.
Biographie : Christian Pichot est chercheur au département Écologie des Forêts, Prairies et milieux Aquatiques (EFPA) de l'INRA. Chargé de mission en écoinformatique, il participe pour le compte de la Direction Scientifique Environnement et de l'infrastructure nationale AnaEE-France à l’organisation des systèmes d'information pour la gestion et l'exploitation des données environnementales des agro-écosystèmes. |
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