> > Workshop 8
TERATEC 2017 Forum
Workshop 8 - Wednesday, June 28 from 14:00 to 17:30
Numerical precision and stability in HPC simulation
A few challenges revisited at scale: communication/synchronization hidden, attainable accuracy and rubustness to soft errors in the conjugate gradient method
Abstract : In this talk we will address two key aspects required to get scalable numerical calculation:
1 - how the algorithmic design to reduce communication/synchronization should be accomodated with numerical remedies to ensure the final quality of the computed solution,
2 - the sensitivity of the numerical kernels to bit-flip in the data and the robustness of possible numerical criteria to detect those soft-errrors.
These various aspects will be illustrated on the conjugate gradient method, that is a numerical scheme widely useed in many large simulation codes.
Bio : Luc Giraud got a Phd in computer science and applied math from the Institut National Polytechnique de Toulouse. He spent 15 year as senior researcher and deputy project leader at CERFACS before moving to ENSSEIHT as full professor in Applied Math. He joint Inria as senior scientist in 2009 where he leads the HiePACS inria team that works on the scalability of large scale calculations with some emphasis on numerical linear algebra. |
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Jean-Pascal JEGU
Tel : +33 (0)9 70 65 02 10
2, rue de la Piquetterie