> > Workshops > Workshop 3
Workshops - Wednesday June 12
Workshop 3 - 09:00 to 12:30
Environment, natural resources and climate change
Chaired by François ROBIDA, Head of Data, digital infrastructures and services Programme, BRGM
Data for air quality
By Pierre PERNOT, Director of Partnerships, Communication and Digital, Airparif
The reliable data are the base of a quality information with the sanitary and economic issues connected to the quality of our air.
The air quality varies in the time and the space, its fine description takes place by the massive production of data to reproduce these variations. On Paris and Ile-de-France, the monitoring system produces 30 million data per hour 24 hours a day and 7 every 7 days by coupling several digital tools capable of crossing data of road traffic, data of energy consumption, meteorological data and well the observations of air quality. These extremely powerful digital tools produce data of pollution and real time mappings of Paris region in a spatial resolution lower than 50 meters and being able to reach about 10 meters on Paris, that is the precision of a GPS. On the basis of these data, it is possible to choose its route to limit its exhibition to the pollution, know the concentrations in pollutants of a sensitive public access building, compare the air quality with two different addresses. These data are put at the disposal in Open Data under license ODbL.
The production of reliable data, associated with an expertise, is also essential to anticipate the episodes of pollution so that the authorities take the necessary measures. The challenge is complex because it is a question of planning the overtaking of a threshold for a pollutant on a surface given (100 km2 on the region) and/or onto a percentage of population (10 % of the population of the datum).
Finally, the data of the air quality also serves to accompany the longer-term decision-makers within the framework of the arrangement(development) of the city and the evolution of the mobilities. The modelling allows to stage the city and to document the consequences on the air quality of the future evolutions (organized by zone to weak emissions, closure of main highway …).
This session will attempt to present how the data serve to inform about the air quality through the operational vision of Airparif, the Monitoring center of the Air in the region of Ile-de-France
Biographie : Directeur des Partenariats, de la Communication et du Digital chez Airparif , Pierre Pernot est expert de la qualité de l’air. Ingénieur de formation : Il a mis en place de mesures de pesticides dans l’air, développé des outils de cartographie, de diagnostic … avant de s’orienter sur le numérique, l’innovation et les partenariats. A ce titre, Il dirige et coordonne également les activités d’AIRLAB : accélérateur de solutions pour la qualité de l’air et laboratoire d’innovation lancé par Airparif et ses partenaires.
Il est membre du Comité d’Expert Spécialisé « Air » de l’ANSES (Agence nationale de sécurité sanitaire de l'alimentation, de l'environnement et du travail) et des groupes de travail sur les questions de pesticides et de polluant émergents. |
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For any other information regarding the workshops, please contact :
Jean-Pascal JEGU
Tel : +33 (0)9 70 65 02 10
2, rue de la Piquetterie