> > Workshops > Workshop 3

Workshop 03 - 15:00 to 18:30
Cultural and Creative Industries in the age of AI and HPC
Chaired by Charles Huot, Président and Marc Bourhis, Community leader Industries Culturelles et Créatives & Program Manager, Cap Digital
Being Data Responsible in virtual production time
By Julien Houillon, Directeur de l'innovation, Fix Studio
Shooting “peels” (digital set elements) is heavy on the digital consumption front. Based on its experience, Fix Studio has observed that on average 1 Terabyte of data is used per day, which quickly becomes tens of TB, after the various file exports and processing inherent in the iterative process of creating and finalizing a film. A feature-length film involves around 200TB for a dozen users, with stored data that must be accessible without latency, and of course switched on 24/7. And storage is not infinitely scalable, as film post-production is not entirely “virtualizable”. Compromises have to be made between storage costs for large volumes of data, and the availability of high bandwidths for rapid access to media. To get out of this quadrangle, Fix Studio is working to optimize its production and video file processing pipeline, turning increasingly to real-time 3D tools. Right from the shooting camera. On set, Fix Studio is increasingly moving towards the creation of large files that integrate the complete 3D environment of a photo-realistic scene from the outset. The 3D scene thus assembled represents a file lightly encoded in 4K, which makes it easier to preview scenes and provides a basis for collective work within the studio, immediately available to the creative teams, thus lightening the image production pipeline for a large part of the process.
Founded in 1999, Fix studio is a creative studio specializing in 2D animation, CGI and visual effects. It brings its visual, technical and creative expertise to all forms of media: cinema, TV series, advertising, music videos and immersive experiences. Three years ago, with the “Vortex” series (France TV/Netflix), and more recently with the series La Fièvre and Miskina, Fix Studio moved into XR content production.
Biography: Julien Houillon, Directeur de l'innovation, Fix Studio |