> > Workshop 3

Workshop 03 - 15:00 to 18:30
Cultural and Creative Industries in the age of AI and HPC
Chaired by Charles Huot (Président, Cap digital) and Marc Bourhis (Community leader Industries Culturelles et Créatives & Program Manager, Cap Digital) F
Today's cultural and creative industries use cutting-edge computer technologies to generate stunning visual worlds, whether for film, advertising, video games or animated series.
These advances are based on cutting-edge 3D graphics computing techniques, making full use of available processing power.
At the same time, digital distribution platforms are integrating innovative solutions based on artificial intelligence to maximize the exposure of cultural works, responding to a growing demand for personalized content. The boom in video consumption is driving a significant increase in the use of data and AI to effectively target audiences.
What's more, the emergence of generative AI is opening up new perspectives for the optimized creation of audiovisual content.
These advances were illustrated through testimonials and keynotes involving major industry players such as Nvidia, Ranch Computing, Reemo, Fix Studio, X&Immersion, UbiSoft and France TV, demonstrating the diversity of computing applications in the cultural and creative industries.
With the participation of:
15h00 - 16h30 |
Introduction by Charles Huot, Président, Cap digital et Marc Bourhis, Community leader Industries Culturelles et Créatives & Program Manager, Cap Digital
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Deborah Papiernik, SVP New Business & Strategic Alliances, Ubisoft
At the crossroads of art and technology, video games as a trendsetter
Abstract & Biography >>>> |
Côme Demarigny, Co-founder & CFO, Xandimmersion Generative AI in video games: technical, financial and social hurdles remain
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Abstract & Biography >>>> |
Julien Houillon, Directeur de l'innovation, Fix Studio
Being Data Responsible in virtual production time
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Abstract & Biography >>>> |
16h30 - 17h00 |
Coffee break - Exhibition visit - Networking |
17h00 - 18h30 |
Tomasz Bednarz, Director, Strategic Researcher Engagement, NVidia
Simulation, Modeling and AI as Tools to Enhance Applications for Creative Sectors
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Abstract & Biography >>>> |
Christophe Bicchierai, Responsable du développement, Ranch Computing
Achieving the impossible with visual effects
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Abstract & Biography >>>> |
Yann Fourre, CEO, Reemo
How can we bridge the gap between HPC and the creative world?
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Abstract & Biography >>>> |
Matthieu Parmentier, Directeur de france•tv access, France Télévision Deep Learning and Large Language Models: Revolutionizing Cultural Accessibility
Download presentation >>>>
Abstract & Biography >>>> |
For any other information regarding the workshops, please contact:
Jean-Pascal JEGU
Tel : +33 (0)9 70 65 02 10
2, rue de la Piquetterie