> > Workshops
Workshop 1 - Wednesday, June 20 from 9h00 to 12h30
Chaired by Marie-Christine SAWLEY, INTEL and Jacques DUYSENS, ANSYS
© TERATEC 2018
Regularly quoted since 2016 by Gartner Group among the 10 most strategic technologies, the "Digital Twin" concept is rapidly spreading. At the crossroads between real, theoretical and virtual contexts, industrial prototype develops from what we have known for 30 years towards a major component of the production cycle, maintenance and product continuous improvement. Boosted by growing data feedback capabilities from the field, the digital twin relies on simulation models as well as the learning machine through empirical models and virtual reality. Preventive maintenance is positioned in parallel, with key objective to guarantee proper operation of installations or connected objects, and foresee breakdowns or even replacement of defective parts.
This session was an opportunity to learn about concrete cases deployed in such varied fields as aeronautics, urban planning or, oil exploration for instance and their experiential feedbacks. We have also found how learning help to make optimal use of data, as to how restriction and validation impacts effectiveness of the model.
With the participation of :
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Tobias KNOSTMANN, Business Development, CADFEM GmbHh
Abstract & Bio
Frode HALVORSEN, Vice President Technology, EDR MEDESOs
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Prof. Dr. Francisco (Paco) CHINESTA, ESI Group Chair @ ENSAM ParisTech & ESI Group Scientific Departmente
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François BODIN, Professeur, IRISA de Rennes
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Charles-Henry JURD, European IoT Technical Leader, IBM Internet of Things
Abstract & Bio Download the presentation

For any other information regarding the workshops, please contact :
Jean-Pascal JEGU
Tel : +33 (0)9 70 65 02 10
2, rue de la Piquetterie