Home > TERATEC FORUM > Workshop 8

TERATEC 2018 Forum
Workshop 8 - Wednesday, June 20 from 14h00 to 17h30

Présidé par Luc MARBACH, VEDECOM

© TERATEC 2018

The development of autonomous land, maritime or air systems is one of the major challenges of the coming years. It raises major, new issues often requiring the use of HPC and HPDA technologies.
This occurs particularly for:

  • development, validation and certification of steering tools for these systems, essentially reducing the volume of experiments currently required

  • running large quantities of data from various available sensors in order to provide the most optimal and potential control tools also able to take into account the maximum number of parameters, particularly those related to the environment.

The purpose of this workshop was to review major issues associated with the design and operation of these new autonomous systems. Major players in this sector, be they System designers and users or, Developers of best suited technologies delivered original presentations.

With the participation of :

Véhicules autonomes : les défis de la validation
Marc PAJON, expert leader testing and measurement technologies, RENAULT

Abstract & Bio Download the presentation

Identification and modelization of critical scenarios for digital validation of Autonomous Vehicles
Luc MARBACH, directeur Général, Institut VEDECOM

Abstract & Bio Download the presentation

IA pour le véhicule autonome : Le deep learning appliqué à la conduite, depuis la perception capteur jusqu’à la décision
Vanessa PICRON, directrice R&D et Projets Innovation Systèmes d’aide à la conduite, VALEO

Abstract & Bio

Les enjeux technologiques liés à l’emploi des drones multi milieu
Marc RICHARD, responsable des études de R&D « Drone », NAVAL GROUP

Abstract & Bio

Drone de surface et enjeux technologiques nécessaires à leur développement
Denis GAGNEUX, chef de projet drone de surface, SIREHNA

Abstract & Bio

Round table with speakers

For any other information regarding the workshops, please contact :

Jean-Pascal JEGU
Tel : +33 (0)9 70 65 02 10
2, rue de la Piquetterie


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