> > Workshops > Workshop 6
Wednesday October 14, 2020 - Workshops
Workshop 06 - 11:00 to 12:30
AI in scientific computing : accelerating innovation in industrial and academic domain
Chared by Eric Petit, Research engineer, HPC application specialist, Intel and Michaël Krajecki, Agence de l’Innovation de Défense (AID)
Biography : Eric Petit joined Intel in 2016 as a senior research engineer in the math library pathfinding team, colaborating closely with the Exascale Computing Research Lab (CEA-UVSQ-Intel). He received in 2009 his Ph.D. from University of Rennes at INRIA working on compiler technology for GPGPU. After 2 years at University of Perpignan working on computer arithmetic, he joined for 6 years as a senior researcher the University of Versailles Saint-Quentin where he leads a team participating in various EU project. Dr. Petit’s current research interests are on preparing HPC applications for future exascale systems. His focuses are on computer arithmetic and innovative runtime environment |
Biography : Michaël Krajecki a rejoint l’Agence Innovation Défense en 2019 où il dirige la cellule de coordination de l’Intelligence Artificielle de Défense (CCIAD) du ministère des Armées. Auparavant, Michaël Krajecki était professeur à l’université de Reims Champagne-Ardenne, auditeur de la 54ème session nationale Armement Economie de la Défense de l’IHEDN. Expert en simulation numérique et IA, il a été responsable du master calcul à haute performance et simulation et a également dirigé de nombreuses thèses de doctorat au cœur des problématiques HPC. |
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