> > Workshops > Workshop 1
Tuesday June 22 - Technical workshop
Workshop 01 - 14:00 to 16:00
Europe is on its way towards "Hybrid Qomputing"
Organised and moderated by Kristel Michielsen, Jülich Supercomputing Centre, Guillaume Colin de Verdière, International Expert in HPC, CEA, and Jean-Philippe Nominé, HPC Strategic Collaborations Manager, CEA
Modular Computing & QPUs
By Thomas Moschny, CTO, ParTec
Most applications in quantum computing today are realized algorithmically with a high degree of hybridity by combining classical algorithms with quantum algorithms. Seamless integration of quantum hardware with classical computing resources based on CPUs and GPUs is an essential step towards handling realistic practical hybrid applications with QCs/QSs. Low latency is critical for rewarding performance levels. It can be achieved by tightly integrating a QC/QS with a classical supercomputer through the concept of the Modular Supercomputing Architecture (MSA).
In general, MSA aims to orchestrate heterogeneity by integrating hardware components at the system level that share common characteristics. These hardware components form individual modules of a single system that are connected via a federated high-speed network. Consistent with the MSA approach, the QC/QS will be an additional module of the supercomputer, tightly coupled with existing modules such as a general-purpose CPU module (Cluster) and a GPGPU-based acceleration module (Booster). In addition to the low latency aspect, this also introduces novel usage models as opposed to operating the quantum hardware as an isolated resource with independent resource management and scheduling.
ParTec’s ParaStation Modulo Software Suite has been at the heart of the MSA since its first incarnation in the form of the Cluster-Booster architecture in the DEEP project. Since then, it has been continuously enhanced and extended in conjunction with the evolution of the MSA towards Exascale. Naturally, ParaStation Modulo also allows the integration of novel modules such as quantum devices. Its high-speed, low-latency communication as well as its resource manager and integration with the central scheduler, make it the optimal tool for combining traditional HPC and quantum devices.
Biography: Thomas Moschny has been working at ParTec since 2008, from 2013 as the Chief Technology Officer (CTO). He has a Diploma in Theoretical Particle Physics from the University of Wuppertal. From 2000 to 2008 he was a member of the group of Prof. Tichy at the CS Department of University of Karlsruhe (now Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, KIT), working on high performance communication software and parallel programming environments. In addition to the CTO responsibilities his main focus at ParTec now is on programming models and workload management topics of the Modular Supercomputing Architecture (MSA). He was the leader of the System software and management work package in the DEEP-EST project. |
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2, rue de la Piquetterie