The (Mathematics, Informatics, Complexity and Systems ) was created in 2003 in order to develop and structure the research in applied mathematics and computer science at CentraleSupelec
Its main research axis is modelling, designing and simulating complex systems, wherever they belong to industry, information systems, socio-economic organizations or the living world.
In order to achieve this goal, researches are conducted at MICS in several complementary approaches, including:
- The studying of empirical properties of complex systems
- Data-based modelling
- The representation of the notion of complexity
- The building of mathematical objects representing complex systems
- The numerical simulation and scientific computation
- The design and visualization of massive, unstructured data
The MICS Lab is organized around 4 research teams:
Biomathematics: born in 2016, this team inherits the former Digiplante team, which was focused on plant biology, and has extended its research to health
FiQuant: born in 2007, the team is dedicated to empirical study, modelling and numerical simulation of financial markets
LogiMICS: deals mainly with systems with predominant software systems, and symbolic artificial intelligence
Mathematical Modelling and Equations Analysis : former PDE team, this team has conducted researches on stochastic modelling, in particular stochastic PDEs and regularity equations in stochastic processes

There are strong collaborations between MICS and its academic or industrial partners:
Tight relationships with research teams of the Paris Saclay University, Gustave Roussy Institute, CEA-List, Mines Telecom Institute, INRIA, INRA, AgroParisTech, Sorbonne University, Paris-Cité University
International relationships with Cambridge University, TU Munich, Georg-August-Universität Göttingen, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, University of Rome Sapienza, University RUDN of Moscow, Bar Ilan University, University of Washington, Temple University, Berkeley Lab, University of Michigan, University of Tokyo, JNUDelhi
Partnerships with industrial partners such as BNP Paribas, Randstad, Safran, Servier, GE Healthcare, CybeleTech
Industry (aeronautics, energy, transportation) ; environment (plants, hydrology, landscapes, acoustics, noise) ; health (medical imagery, molecular biology, genomics, epidemiology) ; markets and entreprises (finance, business intelligence) ; information and networks (internet, multimedia, knowledge management) ; art and architecture (colorimetry, architectural reconstruction et virtual reality)…