> Technopole TERATEC
TERATEC Technopole
Created by an initiative of CEA to develop and promote high performance simulation and computing, the TERATEC technopole uses its resources to improve and disseminate knowledge, and also to enhance skills and services, in the field of high performance computing to support research, industrial companies and technology providers.
The Teratec technopole includes all elements in the HPC and simulation value chain around two entities:
The TERATEC Campus will provide a home for industrial firms and researchers with industry/research laboratories, service platforms and a Masters-level training organization. The Campus (13,000 m2 with a capacity of several hundred people) will bring together leading companies in the field of computing with medium-sized companies and startups (in a business incubator), together with research and educational institutions.
This infrastructure includes an electrical facility and a building made of a large computing area and all outbuildings needed for supercomputers plus room for the future extensions, and a very high speed telecommunications network. It also offers a «conference area» with a 200-seat auditorium.
Among other machines, the TGCC is equipped with the new supercomputer of CCRT (Centre de Calcul Recherche et Technologie) Airain, used by CEA and its industrial partners, has a peak performance of 200 Teraflops and the CURIE supercomputer. With a peak performance of 2 Petaflop/s this supercomputer, funded by GENCI, is the French contribution to the PRACE European infrastructure.
