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Presentation > Activities > Training > Master of Science in Informatics, HPC and Simulation
All major industrial and research sectors use high performance computing and simulation tools. High performance computing is also becoming an important issue for company competitiveness allowing them to reduce time and cost of their product design. This master is the first Master of Science in France dedicated to train managers specialized in this vital area. By using the tools and techniques for high performance computing and simulation, students will assimilate the recent major scientific developments determined by the increasing importance of simulation tools and the continuous augmentation of the power of computing systems. MIHPS is a Master of Science devoted to the training of top scientists able to acquire two major technological developments:
A major feature of this master is to give future graduates a multidisciplinary skill, an expertise of high performance computing and parallel computing and an expertise of modelling / simulation techniques. The MIHPS is a full‐time four semesters Master degree. To apply to the MIHPS MSc., you need to be
The first two semesters of the Master provide skills and knowledge necessary for advanced study in computer science, high performance computing and simulation. Two specializations are offered in second year of the master, each one has two orientations: vocational or research.
(opening in september 2010)
Specialization High Performance Computing The training objective is to develop advanced skills in the field of architecture and high performance parallel computers and software. (Opening in 2011)
Specialization: High Performance Simulation -The training objective is to cover the field of high performance simulation through the study of large classes of numerical methods and theirs applications on some major areas. (Opening in 2011)
The training is part of a close partnership with CEA DAM and the Consortium TERATEC CEA is a French government-funded technological research organization (French Atomic Energy Commission). TERATEC is an association which brings together more than seventy companies and research laboratories and was brought into being on the initiative of the CEA in order to constitute a European pole of competence in high performance digital simulation. It was entrusted with the objectives of fe derating the whole range of industrial and academic players, systems suppliers and users, providing access to the most powerful systems currently available, promoting and increasing the attractiveness and the appeal of this sector by fostering economic development. The MIHPS MSc. is supported by
These collaborations will enable students access to the latest generations of hardware and software. Director: The MIHPS MSc. is joint degree of Université de Versailles Saint‐Quentin‐en‐Yvelines, Ecole Centrale de Paris, Ecole Normale Supérieure de Cachan and UniverSud PRES.
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