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September 16, 2016 -
Atos is Platinum sponsor of NVIDIA’s GPU Technology Conference (GTC), organized for the first time in Europe, in Amsterdam on September 28-29. Atos will exhibit its new Bull sequana blade, which leverages the NVIDIA® Pascal™ architecture. The Bull sequana X1115 blade is powered by four Tesla® P100 GPUs, interconnected with NVIDIA NVLink™, a high-bandwidth, energy-efficient interconnect that enables ultra-fast communication between GPUs. With Bull sequana X1115, Atos delivers on its promise of openness and modularity for the sequana platform, with the implementation of various processor/accelerator technologies, to serve large-scale HPC, Deep Learning and Big Data. |
Decembr 4, 2015 -
Bull sequana™ has the latest technology to ensure maximum performance and minimal operating cost.
Designed in close cooperation with its key clients, the new exascale -class supercomputer, Bull sequana, addresses the greatest digital simulation and big data challenges.
The launch of Bull sequana confirms Atos’ strategic commitment to develop - through its Bull brand - innovative systems for high performance computing to process large volumes of data – exactly what is needed to overcome the challenges of the 21st century.
Bull, the Atos brand for technology products and software, today launches Bull sequana X1000, its new range of exascale-class supercomputers, the forerunners of the generation that will offer a thousand times more performance than current petaflops-scale systems. This compute performance is necessary to increase the quality and speed of digital simulations for both research and industry, so as to be in a position to tackle the 21st century socio-economic challenges.
For example, Bull sequana can be implemented to improve the accuracy of weather forecasts, build even cleaner aircraft engines and use genomics to develop personalized medicine.
“Digital simulation is an essential tool to accompany the digital transformation of our clients. In this new data-centric era, large processing infrastructures are an essential lever for development and wealth creation. Atos is proud to offer its customers a supercomputer that allows them to reinvent their business model,” said Thierry Breton, Chairman and CEO of Atos.
“In partnership with CEA and other strategic clients, the Bull teams have been developing market-leading innovative solutions, in terms of compute performance, to process large volumes of data and in terms of energy consumption. As a leader in the exascale race, Bull puts its expertise and know-how at the service of its clients, to accelerate research and innovation and increase their competitiveness,” explains Philippe Vannier, Executive Vice-President Big Data & Security and Chief Technology Officer of the Atos Group.
Many vendors are still struggling with technical limitations in the exascale race. Thanks to its innovation capacities, Bull delivers an innovative solution that matches the exascale technological challenges.
Bull sequana is designed to integrate the most advanced technologies in terms of processors, interconnect and data storage –that will make it possible to reach exascale. Open and designed around major industry standards for hardware and software, Bull sequana supercomputers offer customers a large choice of technologies to maximise their investment
An exascale class-system relying on current technologies, would consume around 400 megawatts, equivalent to the yearly electrical annual consumption of 60,000 homes. Bull sequana reduces energy consumption by a factor of 10 as compared to the previous generation of supercomputers. Bull is targeting an electrical consumption of 20 megawatts for exascale by 2020, thanks to its technologies and its research and development centers.
Organization, localization, storage and access to data, all of which are increasing exponentially, have a major impact on performance. Bull provides a hardware and software architecture adapted to the most complex treatment of data and based on its research in distributed systems management and data access.
The performance of exascale applications requires massive parallelism. Bull sequana integrates the Bull Exascale Interconnect (BXI) network, developed by Bull. Designed for exascale, BXI revolutionizes the treatment of data exchanges by freeing the processors of all communications tasks. In addition, the Bull sequana software environment allows a precise management of large resources and provides optimum production efficiency.
An exaflops-scale supercomputer includes tens of thousands of components. Such a system must incorporate high quality resilience. The architecture and packaging of Bull sequana were designed with this objective in mind, including the redundancy of critical components, and efficient software suite and management tools.
From design to operational use, Bull sequana supercomputers integrate cutting-edge technologies. Real Formula 1 IT, they offer the highest levels of performance, quality, robustness and flexibility.
Bull sequana is the result of technological partnerships (1) and of many cooperation (2) within the European HPC ecosystem (3). Bull sequana, which will be delivered in 2015, with a general availability from Q3 2016, is a major milestone on the road to exascale.
For François Geleznikoff, Director of CEA military applications, commented: "CEA is pleased to get this year the first prototype of the exascale supercomputer planned for 2020. This is our third generation of supercomputer supplied by Bull, which allows us to perform with great speed and reliability both physical modeling and very complex systems calculations.”
"GENCI welcome the Bull sequana exascale class supercomputers that will help researchers meet the major challenges of the 21st century in societal areas such as health, environment and new energy. In order to best prepare the French scientific communities to this next generation of supercomputers, GENCI has established a collaboration with Bull and Intel to evaluate the potential of these technologies and their suitability for a representative set of scientific applications of the major themes of the research," said Catherine Rivière, CEO of GENCI.
"Science is endless. The complexity of questions asked by the researchers at the forefront of scientific endeavors today require computer simulation that reaches from the subatomic to the intergalactic, from the Big Bang to the end of time. With Sequana, Bull is pushing the boundaries of computing, not merely to add three more zeroes to the end of a benchmark, but to provide a tool for implementing the ideas of today's greatest minds, to give us greater understanding of the universe and everything in it," said Addison Snell, Intersect360 Research
“The new Bull sequana system, powered by future Intel® Xeon® processors and the Intel® Xeon Phi™ processor, code-named "Knights Landing", is designed to address the performance, reliability and energy-efficiency requirements of exascale-class supercomputers,” said Raj Hazra, vice president and general manager, Enterprise and HPC Platforms Group, Intel Corporation. “We’re excited to be collaborating with Bull to bring to market this new generation of supercomputers on the path to exascale.”
(2) TUD (Germany), LNCC (Brazil), GENCI, Teratec, Horizon 2020
November 18, 2014 -
En route to processing power that rivals the human brain
- The next generation of supercomputers is required to boost innovation and competitiveness and address a multitude of challenges – most of them at the crossroads where Big Data and HPC meet – related to every aspect of society, including healthcare, climatology, manufacturing and energy.
- So-called exascale supercomputers will achieve a performance of more than one billion billion operations a second (the number 1 followed by 18 zeroes): a thousand times more powerful than current systems.
- Bull is rolling out its exascale program, so it’s ready to meet the technical challenges involving in ultra-fast computing of massive datasets on an unprecedented scale.
- Bull is designing and developing its next generation of supercomputers in Europe, drawing on the power and presence of the Atos Group to deliver exascale solutions in key vertical market sectors all over the world.
Bull, an Atos company, today unveils its exascale program. The main ambition of this program is to design and develop in Europe the next generation of supercomputers that will contribute to producing world-class solutions for both research and industrial purposes. With one of the largest teams dedicated to High-Performance Computing (HPC) – now able to leverage the international strength of Atos, with its 86,000 employees worldwide – Bull is experiencing a paradigm shift that will give it the critical mass to address vertical market sectors across the entire world.
Exascale will increase the competitiveness and innovation capabilities of industries and address the industrial, scientific and societal challenges of the 2020s, from nanoscience and genomics to climatology, aeronautics and energy.
As such, the Bull exascale program is a key contributor to Europe’s leadership in science and innovation, as well to its position in the HPC field. It is aligned with the Strategic Research Agenda proposed by ETP4HPC (the European Technology Platform for High Performance Computing). This new generation of supercomputers will be capable of achieving a performance of more than one exaflops, i.e. one billion billion operations a second, a thousand times more powerful than current systems. Exascale computing power is believed to be the order of processing power that matches the human brain.
Most of the complex problems scientists and engineers will address in the future are at the crossroads where Big Data meets HPC. For instance, domains like genomic therapy and drug discovery, full-scale simulations of aircraft or modelling of entire weather systems – that involve huge volumes of data and demand massive computing power – require exascale supercomputers and beyond.
The Bull exascale program therefore relies on tight integration between high levels of computing power and the capacity to process huge amount of data. It combines faster processors, more data capacity, ultra-fast interconnections, greater energy efficiency, enhanced cooling, a scalable packaging, fundamentally redesigned software and a full set of services to optimize user applications.
The Bull exascale program initially involves the development of five main elements:
- An open exascale supercomputer, code-named SEQUANA
- The matching software stack, known as bullx supercomputer suite
- A new generation of fast interconnect, code-named BXI
- A range of servers with ultra-high memory capacity, known as the bullx S6000 series
- A complete set of services to optimize customer applications and make the most of exascale.
The Bull exascale program derives synergies from Bull’s global mission to deliver Big Data, HPC and security solutions. It is the result of major investments in R&D, close cooperation with European labs such as the CEA (the French Alternative Energies and Atomic Energy Authority) and other partners, and the long-standing experience built up by Bull’s HPC teams in designing, implementing and running large-scale HPC systems. It relies upon the Bull Center for Excellence in Parallel Programming (CEPP) for the application expertise needed to reengineer existing applications so as to make the most of exascale systems.
“To fulfill its missions, the French Alternative Energies and Atomic Energy Commission (CEA) set up a R&D program in partnership with industry which aims at developing the key technologies needed to design and build competitive supercomputers by 2020. Within this framework, CEA and Bull have renewed their long-time partnership that led in 2010 to the first petaflops supercomputer designed and manufactured in Europe,” said Pierre Leca, Head of Simulation and Software Engineering at the CEA.
“With the unveiling of its exascale program, Bull has reaffirmed its capacity for innovation and its ability to design the world's most powerful supercomputers. Bull meets the needs of performance and reliability that our customers require to handle the massive amounts of data generated in the digital world and to help solve major societal and environmental challenges that are arising in our societies,” said Philippe Vannier, Bull’s CEO.
The Bull exascale program in detail 
November 17, 2014 -
With its new large scale supercomputer called OCCIGEN (pronounced oxygen), GENCI, the French HPC agency, provides French scientists with a great boost of the global capacity available and makes a technological leap toward energy efficiency with Bull and Intel.
GENCI, the French HPC agency, has acquired in June 2014 a new 2.1 Pflops large scale supercomputer called OCCIGEN (pronounced oxygen). This Bull system is installed at the National Computer Center for Higher Education (Cines, Centre informatique national de l'enseignement supérieur), one of the three national computing centers in France.
It multiplies by more than 8 times the computing resources available at Cines and allows GENCI to provide French scientists with a great boost of the global capacity available reaching a total of 5.7 Pflops.
Addressing any kind of simulation
OCCIGEN is powered by the 12 cores Intel® Xeon® E5-2690 v3 processor, for a total amount of 50 000 cores and its balanced architecture includes more than 200 TB of distributed memory and an I/O subsystem able to manage data at a speed of over 100GB/s, using Intel supported Lustre*.
Thanks to this performance, OCCIGEN will be capable of addressing any type of numerical simulation and managing massive amounts of data. It is also designed to subsequently accommodate hybrid technologies.
“Presented at ISC in June, this supercomputer powered by the new Intel Xeon E5-2600 v3 product family is a powerful solution for the HPC community,” said Charles Wuischpard, vice president Data Center Group and general manager of Workstations and HPC, Intel. “The Intel Xeon E5-2690 v3 processor chosen by GENCI for OCCIGEN, offers Top 500 class performance and energy efficiency for the French academic community. This program is part of a long term collaboration between GENCI, Bull and Intel, and a first step to highly parallel workload.”
Going green
Bull, an Atos company, has been selected after an open and highly competitive tendering process, including a considerable focus on energy optimization for simulations and financial assessment taking into account the total cost of ownership of the supercomputer over its entire expected lifespan.
Based on the direct liquid cooled bullx B720 compute blades, the OCCIGEN supercomputer has a peak compute performance in excess of 2 PFlops (2 million billion floating point operations per second), implementing the new Intel AVX2 instruction set, thanks to its Intel® Xeon® Processors E5-2690 v3 Family (code-named Haswell-EP). OCCIGEN reached a « Linpack » performance of more than
1.628 Pflops, thus demonstrating an efficiency rate of 97% of the AVX2 performance per compute node, and of more than 78% of the global system peak performance.
"OCCIGEN is therefore positioned as one of the most energy-efficient x86 supercomputers (global consumption of 975kW, i.e. 1,670 Mflops/W per node) and is an outstanding addition to the HPCG list of bullx supercomputers with a performance of 45474.6 GFlops. It is now one of the most efficient HPC systems both in terms of performance and energy-efficiency, and a key asset for French digital simulation and research” declared Pascal Barbolosi, VP Extreme Computing at Bull, an Atos company.
World premieres expected
OCCIGEN is aimed to address the needs of French scientists by performing massive 3D multi-scale, multi-physics complex simulations and managing huge amount of data generated by large-scale instruments or numerical simulations.
And, as a first and great result, OCCIGEN has already demonstrated its performances on real scientific key applications with impressive improvements of more than 20% for SPECFEM3D (geophysics) and up to 274% for YALES2 (combustion), in comparison with GENCI current petascale systems.
OCCIGEN will be in full production for all French scientists in January 2015 but is already open in pre-production mode for performing “Grands Challenges” including world premiere in climate modeling, massive LES simulation of wind turbines or brain modeling.
“Our priority is to give to French scientists the means to be in a good position in the international scientific community, by making the best resources available for them, while minimizing the environmental impact. With OCCIGEN, the latest of our supercomputers to be installed, GENCI has completely revamped French computing resources, but is also firmly committed to an eco-responsible approach. The expected OCCIGEN performance will pave the way to great scientific achievements in all fields. ” Catherine Riviere, CEO of GENCI, said.
*Other names and brands may be claimed as the property of others. |
Prague, February 27, 2013 -
Bull to deliver the first system for the IT4Innovations Supercomputing Center in Ostrava
The VSB-Technical University of Ostrava and Bull signed a contract for the supply of a bullx supercomputer, which represents the first step in the creation of the Ostrava-based national supercomputing center. The system, code-named "small cluster", will be delivered at the end of March 2013 and will be available for production starting in May. With this system, Czech science and industry will have at their disposal a machine with a theoretical peak performance of 82.54 TFLOPS by this spring. It will help advance development in areas such as nanotechnology, engineering and the transportation industry.
"I'm really pleased that the years of hard work and preparations will finally translate into tangible results. The dream of having the Czech Republic´s most powerful supercomputer in Ostrava is coming true. Over time, we want the significance and the benefits to the scientific community to spread beyond our country's borders," said rector of the VSB-Technical University of Ostrava (VSB-TUO) Ivo Vondrák, evaluating the success to date and outlining the future plans.
"We are happy that one of Central Europe's most powerful supercomputers is to be supplied by our company," said Michal Martínek, CEO of BULL Czech Republic. BULL has succeeded in a tender for supplying the supercomputer, which was announced by VSB-TUO and took more than a year to complete. "BULL won us over with a top-quality technical solution that will be implemented at a very competitive price," commented Branislav Jansík, Director of the Supercomputing center. Besides price, the main criterion in selecting the new system was the quality of the solution such as energy efficiency.
The solution proposed by Bull includes not only an 82 Tflops bullx system, but also a leased mobull TM container, a temporary mobile data center to host the supercomputer while the IT4I Supercomputing Centre is built.
The bullx system features 180 bullx B510 compute nodes equipped with the latest Intel® Xeon® processors, as well as a total of 27 bullx B515 hybrid blades equipped either with Intel® Xeon Phi TM coprocessors or with NVIDIA® Tesla® K20 GPUs.
IT4Innovations is the national supercomputing center hosted by the VSB-Technical University of Ostrava. The VSB-Technical University of Ostrava team plans to spend an amount of 20 Million Euros on supercomputer technologies within the next 5 years as part of the IT4Innovations Centre of Excellence project. The so-called "small cluster" is the first phase of the project in 2013. The main computer system, code-named "big cluster", with a performance of 1PFLOPS, will be operational in 2014. IT4Innovations is part of the PRACE association, the Partnership for Advanced Computing in Europe. The main objective of PRACE is to create a pan-European supercomputing infrastructure, providing access to computing and data management resources and services for large-scale scientific and engineering applications at the highest performance level. Members of PRACE contribute to this infrastructure by providing access to their world-class supercomputers. French supercomputer CURIE operated near Paris and the new Dutch national supercomputer recently announced by SURFsara are examples of PRACE member systems, both supplied by BULL.
BULL Ltd. is a subsidiary of Bull Group, a major French company providing systems and services in the field of information technology.
Bull Ltd is one of the top suppliers of special security solutions for Law Enforcement Agencies in the Czech Republic, and one of the major suppliers in the field of Enterprise and supercomputing ICT Infrastructure.
The Extreme Computing Division focuses on solutions and services related to the dynamically growing area of High Performance Computing. They are mainly solutions for Science and Research, where the Bull Group is a leading supplier of large scale supercomputing systems. The delivery of a powerful supercomputer to the Czech Hydro-meteorological Institute belongs to the most successful projects of this division in the Czech Republic; this includes the delivery of services and related support.
BULL Group is a leading provider of HPC solutions. Among some of the most successful projects are for example:
- CEA (Atomic Energy Commission, France) operates several supercomputers delivered by BULL (the first of which was delivered in 2005)
- GENCI (French National HPC Organization) has acquired from BULL a supercomputer with a performance of 2 petaflops - the system was named Curie and is a part of the PRACE initiative (Partnership for Advanced Computing in Europe)
- The Helios supercomputer, dedicated to the Nuclear Fusion program, installed in Japan and delivering over 1.5 Petaflops
- And recently: the Dresden University of Technology in Germany, the national Dutch supercomputer purchased by SURFsara, the new-generation supercomputers ordered by French weather forecasting agency Meteo France...

Bull is the trusted partner for enterprise data. The Group, which is firmly established in the Cloud and in Big Data, integrates and manages high-performance systems and end-to-end security solutions. Bull’s offerings enable its customers to process all the data at their disposal, creating new types of demand. Bull converts data into value for organisations in a completely secure manner.
Bull currently employs around 9,200 people across more than 50 countries, with over 700 staff totally focused on R&D. In 2013, Bull recorded revenues of €1.3 billion.
www.bull.com - twitter.com/Bullfr - https://www.facebook.com/BullGroup
Tel.: +33 (0)1 58 04 05 02
Atos SE (Societas Europaea) is a leader in digital services with 2013 pro forma annual revenue of €10 billion and 86,000 employees in 66 countries. Serving a global client base, the Group provides Consulting & Systems Integration services, Managed Services & BPO, Cloud operations, Big Data & Security solutions, as well as transactional services through Worldline, the European leader in the payments and transactional services industry. With its deep technology expertise and industry knowledge, the Group works with clients across different business sectors: Defence, Health, Manufacturing, Media & Utilities, Public Sector, Retail, Telecommunications and Transportation.
Atos is focused on business technology that powers progress and helps organizations to create their firm of the future. The Group is the Worldwide Information Technology Partner for the Olympic & Paralympic Games and is listed on the Euronext Paris market. Atos operates under the brands Atos, Atos Consulting, Atos Worldgrid, Bull, Canopy, and Worldline.
For more information, visit: atos.net |