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October 11, 2017 - Tellmeplus White Paper "Transform your business with Automated Embedded AI » is available

Tellmeplus and Impact Analytix, US analyst firm dedicated to product research, consulting, technical marketing and creative digital media agency, just released a joint white paper: “Transform the business with Automated Embedded AI”. This analyst research report explores how the AI field has matured  in the last decade and how these core technologies create high-value opportunities for companies in any industry.

Today organizations are struggling to get timely, actionable insights from Big Data and especially sensors from the Internet of Things. To better understand customers in a holistic manner, efficiently manage performance and close gaps between insights and action, AI and automation are a winning combination that is just beginning to be used by business experts. Together, these technologies will play a vital role in guiding the modern digital business.

The White Paper by Tellmeplus and Impact Analytix explores how automated AI iteratively improves assets’ ability to solve complex tasks, and how it applies to several use case /sectors.
 In this white paper, you’ll discover the tremendous value companies can seize by adding AI into line of business applications and processes and more specifically:

  • How economic and business value is achieved through AI and automation
  • How to architect a smart business with ubiquitous AI
  • What are the benefits of edge and embedded intelligence for IIoT projects and asset efficiency
  • The uses of this technology

Please click here to download the white paper “Transform the business with Automated Embedded Artificial Intelligence”.

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