January 20, 2014 -
A new INCITE program dedicated to the simulation of explosions has been announced for the CFD team of CERFACS with an allocation of 86 000 000 processor hours in 2014. The objective is to study accidental gas explosions in buildings and develop models for turbulent pre-mixed flames. The CFD team, with the support of TOTAL, has access to a unique experimental database (an explosion chamber at scales 1, 6 and 24 tested for multiple gases) and can validate his LES tools for a range of scales previously not accessible. To perform these computations, CERFACS will rely on the AVBP code, one of the most advanced combustion solvers developed for parallel machines like the ALCF’s Mira. CERFACS is one of the very few groups having time allocations both in PRACE and INCITE.
For more information see:
Large Eddy Simulation of explosion in a confined building (INCITE system)