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Join Teratec!
Join a unique ecosystem in Europe bringing together industrial users, technology companies, research and teaching centers around technologies and applications in digital simulation, HPC/HPDA, artificial intelligence and quantum computing.
Why joigning Teratec?
Digital technologies are increasingly essential as a key element of our competitiveness and innovation capacity. Mobilizing and involving industrial, technological and scientific resources for the mastery of these technologies dedicated to the development of their uses is one true element of Teratec strategy.
You plan to integrate a dynamic ecosystem which is central for companies’ digital transformation.
Propose and participate in collaborative R&D projects.
Contribute to major national and European initiatives in this field.
Participate in actions to develop the use of digital technologies within
your companies and/or your customers’ environment, particularly with SMEs / ETIs.
Expose and share your skills with actors of the HPC / HPDA ecosystem as part of promotional actions.
Participate in elaboration of «roadmaps» and strategic visions, particularly with public authorities and European-wide bodies.
Benefit from visibility and impact provided by powerful and targeted communication.
Join Teratec and participate in this unique ecosystem dedicated to digital simulation, HPC/HPDA, artificial intelligence and quantum computing.
How to join Teratec?
Companies and organizations wishing to join Teratec must submit an application with a presentation of their activities in connection with those of Teratec.
Membership becomes final after approval by the Board of Directors and voting at the General Assembly following this documented request.
The cost of the annual membership fee is €3,000 per year..
To be eligible, the application for membership must be submitted by a natural or legal person (as any company, not-for-profit association, research laboratory, training organization...) exercising its activity in the field of numerical simulation competences.
Download the membership form here
