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Forum Ter@tec 2007

Stephen Wheat
Intel Principal Engineer
Director in Intel’s High Performance Computing Business Unit

Stephen Wheat is an Intel Principal Engineer and is the high-end Platforms and Initiatives Director in Intel’s High Performance Computing Business Unit.  He is responsible for the development of Intel’s High-end HPC strategy and the pursuit of that strategy through platform architecture, eco-system development and collaborations.  While in this role, Dr. Wheat has influenced the deployment of several Top10 systems and many more Top500 HPC systems. Dr. Wheat has a wide breadth of experience that gives him a unique perspective in understanding large scale HPC deployments.  He was the Advanced Development manager for the Storage Components Division, the manager of the RAID Products Development group, the manager of the Workstation Products Group software and validation groups, and manager of the systems software group within the Supercomputing Systems Division (SSD). At SSD, he was a Product Line Architect and was the systems software architect for the ASCI Red system.  Before joining Intel in 1995, Dr. Wheat worked at Sandia National Laboratories, performing leading research in distributed systems software, where he created and led the SUNMOS and PUMA/Cougar programs.  Dr. Wheat is a Gordon Bell prize winner and has been awarded Intel's prestigious Achievement Award.  He has a patent in Dynamic Load Balancing in HPC systems..


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